- If you need a PHP API: https://github.com/viion/lodestone-php
- If you just want rest actions https://github.com/xivdb/api (Characters only)
I will at some point fix this library but it's not a priority, otherwise please do a PR!
This is broken as of March 31st 2017 due to Lodestone updates http://eu.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/special/update_log/
Parsing characters from the Final Fantasy XIV Lodestone.
Helping to build this API is very simple, basic Javascript/JQuery knowledge is all you need for parsing, and some MySQL understanding will help in the persistent areas (not required)
If you are interested, check out:
- Getting A Local Environment Setup
- Contributing to the API (Once you've parsed a page)
Each schedule task has 2 arguments:
- Start Offset
- Action
Test like so:
node schedule 0 autoAddCharacters
node schedule 0 autoUpdateAchievements
node schedule 0 autoUpdateCharacters