Documentation server for RabbitMQ consumer (lean RPC framework).
- Human-readable HTML documentation.
- JSON schemas for exchange response/request models.
- Pydantic model generation for exchange request/request models (definitions).
- This allows for strong-contracted bidirectional communication (identical, enforced models on server and client), similar to the intent of protobuf.
URL: /
URL: /schemas
The root returns a list of schemas. Every schema can be accessed as a subpath. For example: /schemas/dx_example.json
The list always includes a schema called head.json
. This schema includes all schemas (using allOf
Automatically generate Pydantic for request/response models of all installed exchanges.
Per exchange, one Python file (containing Pydantic models) is written. All Python files are written to single directory (path is output to stdout).
Example with dx_example
$ rabbitmq-consumer-documentation-server create-client-models
$ ls -l /tmp/ce2e67f5-b756-4526-a4ac-45008d6f6526
total 24
-rw-r--r-- 1 example example 1024 Aug 13 15:16
Example Python file (
# generated by datamodel-codegen:
# filename: dx_example.json
# timestamp: 2024-08-13T13:16:16+00:00
from __future__ import annotations
from enum import Enum
from typing import Optional
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, PositiveInt
class FavouriteFoodEnum(Enum):
onion = 'onion'
orange = 'orange'
banana = 'banana'
class RPCRequestExample(BaseModel):
favourite_food: FavouriteFoodEnum = Field(
..., description='Human-readable favourite food.'
chance_percentage: Optional[PositiveInt] = Field(
20, description='Chances of favourite food passing.', title='Chance Percentage'
class RPCResponseDataExample(BaseModel):
tolerable: bool = Field(..., title='Tolerable')
class RPCResponseExample(BaseModel):
success: bool = Field(..., title='Success')
message: str = Field(..., title='Message')
data: Optional[RPCResponseDataExample] = None
class DxExample(BaseModel):
request_model: RPCRequestExample
response_model: RPCResponseExample
Run the following command to install the package from PyPI:
pip3 install python3-cyberfusion-rabbitmq-consumer-documentation-server
Run the following command to create a source distribution:
python3 sdist
Run the following commands to build a Debian package:
mk-build-deps -i -t 'apt -o Debug::pkgProblemResolver=yes --no-install-recommends -y'
dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc
No configuration is supported.
/usr/bin/rabbitmq-consumer-documentation-server run-server --host=:: --port=9012
systemctl start rabbitmq-consumer-documentation-server.service
). Default:::
). Default:9012
See 'Pydantic model generation'.