General Intelligence
- Hong Kong
- https://www.zhihu.com/people/Cybernetic1
Remarkable Markdown Debian Package Fix
This is a small utility program for Linux to map keyboard key combinations to mouse movement and button clicks.
🎉 A magical vue admin https://panjiachen.github.io/vue-element-admin
Gromit-MPX is an on-screen annotation tool that works with any Unix desktop environment under X11 as well as Wayland.
Simple transformer implementation from scratch in pytorch.
Grapheme to phoneme toolkit using joint-modelling + CRFs in java
Get phonetic spellings and syllable counts for any english word. Works with made-up and non-dictionary words
Grapheme-to-Phoneme transductions that preserve input and output indices, and support cross-lingual g2p!
Helsinki Finite-State Technology (library and application suite)
PointNet and GCNs for pointcloud classification.
PyTorch re-implementation of parts of "Deep Sets" (NIPS 2017)
PointNet: Deep Learning on Point Sets for 3D Classification and Segmentation
java deep learning algorithms and deep neural networks with gpu acceleration
Cybernetic1 / jquery.ime
Forked from wikimedia/jquery.imejQuery based input methods library
Cybernetic1 / clojure-cluster
Forked from tyler/clojure-clusterClustering algorithms for Clojure