Cynegetic Investment Management
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- LogoImages Public
CynegeticIM/LogoImages’s past year of commit activity - D2O-Strategies Public
This repository named Down Derivative Options Strategies or its acronym (D2O-Strategies) is intended to be an important branch in the Research and Development of the company Cynegetic Investement Management in order to share which strategies can be applied with different calculation algorithms using Python.
CynegeticIM/D2O-Strategies’s past year of commit activity - RandomWeak Public
The project starts by contemplating the random generation of different weak entropies that may entrain common features in different methods in the creation of Private Keys for the different networks in the BlockChain.
CynegeticIM/RandomWeak’s past year of commit activity - ethereum-etl Public Forked from blockchain-etl/ethereum-etl
Python scripts for ETL (extract, transform and load) jobs for Ethereum blocks, transactions, ERC20 / ERC721 tokens, transfers, receipts, logs, contracts, internal transactions. Data is available in Google BigQuery
CynegeticIM/ethereum-etl’s past year of commit activity - ethereum-etl-airflow Public Forked from blockchain-etl/ethereum-etl-airflow
Airflow DAGs for exporting, loading, and parsing the Ethereum blockchain data. How to get any Ethereum smart contract into BigQuery
CynegeticIM/ethereum-etl-airflow’s past year of commit activity - btcrecover Public Forked from 3rdIteration/btcrecover
BTCRecover is an open source wallet password and seed recovery tool. For seed based recovery, this is primarily useful in situations where you have lost/forgotten parts of your mnemonic, or have made an error transcribing it. (So you are either seeing an empty wallet or gettign an error that your seed is invalid) For wallet password or passphras…
CynegeticIM/btcrecover’s past year of commit activity