Simple Rivest Cipher 4 In C
More informations :
#include "rc4.h"
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
unsigned char message[] = "Plaintext";
unsigned char key[] = "Key";
unsigned char output_buffer[0x100] = {0};
unsigned char uncipher_buffer[0x100] = {0};
if (RC4_cipher(message, key, output_buffer, 0xFF, 3))
fprintf(stderr,"[-] Error RC4 cipher function call !\n");
// Print Cipher bytes
printf("[+] Cipher Text : ");
printf("\t(%s)\n", message);
// Uncipher output_buffer with the same key
RC4_cipher(output_buffer, key, uncipher_buffer, 0xFF, 3);
printf("[+] Uncipher Text : ");
// Print UnCipher bytes
printf("\t(%s)\n", uncipher_buffer);
return (0);