Managing Roles (Authorization) and content visualization with Backbone and Mustache
- Visualization of specific elements in Mustache templates according to available Roles;
- Global access to the Roles through Javacript variables;
- Request the Roles from an external API;
- Script Tag:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
- Bower:
bower install git://
- npm:
npm install github:Cloudoki/backbone-auth
// Define your Roles in an array or json format
var roles = ['title:view']; // Roles array
// var roles = {"title:view": true} // Roles json
var auth = new Auth(); // Initialize the authorizations plugin
auth.set(roles); // Apply the Roles
After initializing the plugin, the Roles will be automatically hooked up on Mustache:
var template = "{{#_auth_.title:view}} {{title}} {{/_auth_.title:view}} \
{{^_auth_.title:view}} Not authorized to see title {{/_auth_.title:view}}";
this.$el.html(Mustache.render( template, {title: 'Hello World!'})); // Render
You can also access the Roles through Javascript variables:
console.log(auth.get('title:view')); // true
console.log(auth.get('name:update')); // undefined
// You will need to extend the Auth Backbone Model
// to provide the authorizations resource url
var xAuth = Auth.extend({
url: function(){
return '/authorizations'
var auth = new xAuth();
success: function(){
console.log('authorizations loaded');
You will need a static server
npm install -g http-server
Serve the entire project directory
http-server ./
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