Userscripts are used to enhance browsers. To use these userscripts, install a userscript manager, such as Violentmonkey, and click the install links below. Note that there may be update delay if you use alternative install link.
Summit an issue if there are bugs.
Featured script: link-to-markdown .
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Show localStorage of the current page and ask user whether to clear it. It's used for testing websites.
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Some websites forbid copying or append additional copyright info. This script copies selected text as long as you can select text.
install (alternative) | source code
Get the link and title of current page, convert them to Markdown link, and write it to the clipboard. To use this script, click "Copy Markdown link" in the userscript manager's menu or press Shift + Alt + L . To change settings, click "Link to Markdown Settings" in the menu. Key Definition: .
install (alternative) | source code
Open the iframe element in a new tab.
install (alternative) | source code
Download the PDF file from the pdf.js viewer.
install (alternative) | source code
Show keydown event in Console of DevTools.
install (alternative) | source code
Open API documentation of common userscript managers (Greasemonkey, Tampermonkey and Violentmonkey).
install (alternative) | source code
Show innerWidth, innerHeight, and devicePixelRatio. Update them on resize event.
install (alternative) | source code
Redirect login page of to explore page so that you can browse Zhihu without logging in.