Name | Solution |
Find the minimum and maximum element in an array | javascript |
Find the occurrence of an integer in the array | javascript |
Find index | javascript |
Bitonic Point | javascript |
Sum of Middle Elements of two sorted arrays | javascript |
Sum of array | javascript |
Print the left element | javascript |
Frequency of array elements | javascript |
Multiplication table | javascript |
Product of maximum in first array and minimum in second | javascript |
At least two greater element | javascript, python |
Sub array with given sum (print index range of the subarray) | javascript |
Count 0s in sorted array | javascript |
Search in sorted array | javascript |
Equilibrium point | javascript |
Left index | javascript |
Check if an array is sorted | javascript |
Print alternate elements of an array | javascript |
Number of occurrence | javascript |
Median of two arrays | javascript |
Missing number in an array | javascript |
Sort array of 0s, 1s and 2 | javascript |
Product of array element | javascript |
First 1 in a Sorted Binary Array | javascript |
Count Occurrence of digit k | javascript |
Sum of distinct element | java |
Greater on right side | javascript |
Minimum product pair | java |
Find unique element | javascript |
Remove duplicate elements | javascript |
Check if two arrays are equals | java |
Min and Max in Array | javascript |
Is array sorted | javascript |
Balanced array | javascript |
Merge two sorted arrays O(1) space | javascript |
Union of two sorted array | javascript |
Index of an extra element | javascript |
Binary array sorting | javascript |
Find transition point | javascript |
Find the median | javascript |
Rotate array by n elements | javascript |
Count Odd Even | javascript |
Reverse array in groups | javascript |
Need some change | java |
Find the frequency | javascript |
Immediate smaller element | javascript |
Count smaller elements | javascript |
Buildings receiving sunlight | javascript |
Kth Smallest Element | javascript |
Alone in Couple | javascript |
Index of the first repeating element | javascript |
K-th element of two sorted Arrays (merge of two arrays) | javascript |
Replace all 0's with 5 | javascript |
Third largest element | javascript |
Find Duplicates in an Array | javascript |
Majority Element | javascript |
Name | Solution |
Fractional linked list | javascript |
Print Linked List elements | javascript |
Kth from End of Linked List | javascript |
Adds two numbers represented by linkedln list | javascript |
Sum of nodes | javascript |
Intersaction point in y shapped linked list | |
Remove duplicates from an unsorted linked list | javascript |
Pair swap of a linked list | javascript |
Find nk-th node in linked list | javascript |
Linked list insert | javascript |
Sorted insert for circular linked list | javascript |
Merge two sorted linked lists | javascript |
Modular Node | javascript |
Delete middle of linked list | javascript |
Delete a Node in Single Linked List | javascript |
Insert in middle of linked list | javascript |
Search in Linked list | javascript |
Count Linked List Nodes | javascript |
Occurence of an integer in a Linked List | javascript |
Identical Linked Lists | javascript |
Insert in sorted linked list | javascript |
linked-list-length-even-or-odd | javascript |
Middle of a Linked List | javascript |
Check If Circular Linked List | javascript |
Reverse a Linked List | javascript |
Detect Loop in linked list | javascript |
Remove loop from Linked List | javascript |
Palindrome Linked List | javascript |
Find lenght of a loop | javascript |
Linked List that is Sorted Alternatingly | javascript |
Name | Solution |
JavaScript generic sort | javascript |
Maximum product of two numbers | javascript |
Count the zeros | javascript |
Bubble sort | javascript |
Rotate Matrix by 90 degrees | javascript |
Merge sort | JavaScript |
Binary array sorting | JavaScript |
Name | Solution |
Naive Pattern Search | javascript |
Lower case | javascript |
Find maximum number | javascript |
Print first letter of every word | javascript |
Reverse string in O(1) space complexity | javascript |
Display longest name | javascript |
String validation | |
Repeat the string | javascript |
Remove spaces | javascript |
Check string | javascript |
Is Isogram | javascript |
Check for binary | javascript |
Check if b is an anagram of a | javascript |
Lower to upper case | javascript |
last-index-of-1 | javascript |
Longest substring containg 1 | javascript |
Panagram checking | javascript |
Repeating characer first appearance leftmost | javascript |
Remove 'b' and 'ac' from given string Repeating characer first appearance leftmost | javascript |
String sort | javascript |
Vowel or Not | javascript |
Check if a string is Isogram or not | |
Reverse words of a given string | |
Given two strings, check if one is the anagram of another | |
First and second smallest element |