This repository contains code to perform TOP-CT (Trajectory with Overlapping Projections x-ray Computed Tomography) experiments. This technique was introduced in a paper published in IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging and a pdf version is available here. The class MultiOperator can be used for experiments in general. Moreover three experiments are included from the paper: is the first experiment of that paper, is the second experiment and is the third experiment.
A TOP-CT dataset of 23 mandarins is available on Zenodo ( The script was written specifically to reconstruct this dataset.
To clone the repository with submodules use the following command:
git clone --recurse-submodules [email protected]:D1rk123/top-ct_experiments.git
To run the scripts you need to create an extra script that contains two functions: get_data_folder() and get_results_folder(). The path returned by get_data_folder() has to contain the data i.e. the mandarin_carousel_roi folder from Zenodo. The results will be saved in the path returned by get_results_folder(). For example:
from pathlib import Path
def get_data_folder():
return Path.home() / "scandata"
def get_results_folder():
return Path.home() / "experiments" / "top-ct"
To create a conda environment that can run the experiments, follow the instructions in conda environment/create_environment.txt. The exact environment that was used in the paper is also stored in conda environment/environment.yml.