BlockDAG algorithms Rust language simulation.
BlockChain (for example Bitcoin, Etherum, etc.) is just a 'k=0' special subtype of BlockDAG, that's why they suffer from the highly restrictive throughput. DAG is the future!
Run the simulation for the example Fig.3, the 'k' is 3 in the example.
$ cargo test test_fig3 -- --nocapture
Run the simulation for the example Fig.4, the 'k' is 3 in the example.
$ cargo test test_fig4 -- --nocapture
Run the simulation for the example Fig.X1 or Fig.X2, the 'k' is set to 0 in these 2 examples.
$ cargo test test_fig_x1 -- --nocapture
$ cargo test test_fig_x2 -- --nocapture
Run the simulation for the example of generating 1000 random blocks, and execute the blue selection in a real-time calculation.
$ cargo test test_add_block -- --nocapture
To add a new example DAG to see the DAG blue selection behaviour, it's quite easy. For example, to test a DAG in this figure 'Fig.4', just add a piece of codes like this:
fn test_your_example() {
let k: i32 = 3;
let _ = env_logger::try_init();
let node = Node::init("YourExampleDag");
let mut node_w = node.write().unwrap();
macro_rules! dag_add {
( block=$a:expr, references=$b:expr ) => (node_add_block($a, $b, &mut node_w, k, true));
dag_add!(block="Genesis", references=&Vec::new());
dag_add!(block="B", references=&vec!["Genesis"]);
dag_add!(block="C", references=&vec!["Genesis"]);
dag_add!(block="D", references=&vec!["Genesis"]);
dag_add!(block="E", references=&vec!["Genesis"]);
dag_add!(block="F", references=&vec!["B","C"]);
dag_add!(block="H", references=&vec!["E"]);
dag_add!(block="I", references=&vec!["C","D"]);
dag_add!(block="J", references=&vec!["F","D"]);
dag_add!(block="K", references=&vec!["J","I","E"]);
dag_add!(block="L", references=&vec!["F"]);
dag_add!(block="N", references=&vec!["D","H"]);
dag_add!(block="M", references=&vec!["L","K"]);
dag_add!(block="O", references=&vec!["K"]);
dag_add!(block="P", references=&vec!["K"]);
dag_add!(block="Q", references=&vec!["N"]);
dag_add!(block="R", references=&vec!["O","P","N"]);
dag_add!(block="S", references=&vec!["Q"]);
dag_add!(block="T", references=&vec!["S"]);
dag_add!(block="U", references=&vec!["T"]);
println!("{}", &node_w);
let blue_selection = dag_blue_print(&node_w.dag);
println!("k={}, {}", k, &blue_selection);
assert_eq!(2 + 2, 4);
then run it by cargo test test_your_example -- --nocapture
The output will be like this:
running 1 test
k=3, blues={Genesis,B,C,D,F,I,J,K,M,O,P,R,} total=12/20
test tests::test_your_example ... ok
The following picture is another examples: Fig.3.
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