Splits a Multi-Deposit into several deposit directories for subsequent ingest into the archive Utility to process a Multi-Deposit prior to ingestion into the DANS EASY Archive
easy-split-multi-deposit [{--staging-dir|-s} <dir>] [{--identifier-info | -i} <file>] [{--validate|-v}] <multi-deposit-dir> <output-deposits-dir> <datamanager>
A command line tool to process a Multi-Deposit into several Dataset Deposit. A Multi-Deposit is a deposit containing data files and metadata for several datasets. The tool splits the Multi-Deposit into separate Dataset Deposit directories that can be ingested into the archive by easy-ingest-flow.
The Multi-Deposit may also contain audio/visual data files that are to be sent to a Springfield TV installation to be converted to a streamable surrogate.
is controlled by the Multi-Deposit Instructions (MDI) file. This is a CSV file,
that must be located at <multi-deposit-dir>/instructions.csv
. It should contain the metadata for the
datasets that are to be created and may also contain instructions about how to process individual files.
See the Multi-Deposit Instructions page for details.
If the MDI file is found and is correct the following actions are taken:
- The MDI file is read and checked. If the contents is invalid the tool reports the errors and exits.
- The necessary preconditions for the instructions to be carried out are checked. If the preconditions are not met, the tool reports the problems and exits.
- One or more deposit directories are created, one for each dataset
- Depending on whether the MDI file contains any processing instructions for the audio/visual files in the Multi-Deposit they may be sent to a Springfield Inbox directory for subsequent processing by the Springfield Streaming Media Platform, along with a Springfield Actions XML and---optionally---subtitles files.
easy-split-multi-deposit [{--staging-dir|-s} <dir>] [{--validate|-v}] <multi-deposit-dir> <output-deposits-dir> <datamanager>
-i, --identifier-info <arg> CSV file in which information about the created deposits is reported
-s, --staging-dir <arg> A directory in which the deposit directories are created, after which they
will be moved to the 'output-deposit-dir'. If not specified, the value of
'staging-dir' in 'application.properties' is used.
-v, --validate Validates the input of a Multi-Deposit ingest
-h, --help Show help message
--version Show version of this program
trailing arguments:
multi-deposit-dir (required) Directory containing the Submission Information Package to process. This
must be a valid path to a directory containing a file named
'instructions.csv' in RFC4180 format.
output-deposit-dir (required) A directory to which the deposit directories are moved after the staging has
been completed successfully. The deposit directory layout is described in
the easy-sword2 documentation
datamanager (required) The username (id) of the datamanger (archivist) performing this deposit
Currently this project is built as an RPM package for RHEL7/CentOS7 and later. The RPM will install the binaries to
and the configuration files to /etc/opt/dans.knaw.nl/easy-split-multi-deposit
To install the module on systems that do not support RPM, you can copy and unarchive the tarball to the target host. You will have to take care of placing the files in the correct locations for your system yourself. For instructions on building the tarball, see next section.
- Java 8 or higher
- Maven 3.3.3 or higher
git clone https://github.com/DANS-KNAW/easy-split-multi-deposit
cd easy-split-multi-deposit
mvn install
If the rpm
executable is found at /usr/local/bin/rpm
, the build profile that includes the RPM
packaging will be activated. If rpm
is available, but at a different path, then activate it by using
Maven's -P
switch: mvn -Pprm install
Alternatively, to build the tarball execute:
mvn clean install assembly:single