DAO PlayMarket 2.0 is a decentralized Android App Store that accepts payments in cryptocurrency and is combined with an ICO platform for developers.
Personal freedom is impossible without economic security and independence. Therefore, we created an open, censorship-resistant marketplace using blockchain and smart contracts.
To install go-ipfs on your platform, you can use the official documentation
- Install git
- Open terminal on your computer (Windows: "win+R" type "cmd" and hit return, MacOS: Press CMD + Space to open spotlight search, type "terminal" and hit return)
- In terminal type "cd <PATH>" (were "<PATH>" - path to source code folder) and press return
- On main page click "Clone or download" and copy https link in buffer
- Type "git clone <LINK>" (were "<LINK>" - copied link from step 4 and press return
- Open terminal on your computer (Windows: "win+R" type "cmd" and hit return, MacOS: Press CMD + Space to open spotlight search, type "terminal" and hit return)
- In terminal type "cd <PATH>" (were "<PATH>" - path to source code folder) and press return
- In terminal type "npm i" and hit return, wait for the full download
- Open terminal on your computer (Windows: "win+R" type "cmd" and hit return, MacOS: Press CMD + Space to open spotlight search, type "terminal" and hit return)
- In terminal type "cd <PATH>" (were "<PATH>" - path to source code folder) and press return
- Edit the file (.env) with environment variables if necessary
- In terminal type "npm start" and hit return
- Open in browser (HOST and PORT are specified in file with environment variables from step 4)