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This project is a .NET Razor application that integrates a Node.js-based build pipeline to manage frontend CSS. The Node setup leverages modern tools (like PostCSS, Sass) to build and optimize CSS assets, which are then used by the Razor views.


Before getting started, ensure the following tools are installed on your system:

  1. .NET SDK (version 6.0 or higher)
  2. Node.js (version 16 or higher)
  3. NPM (comes with Node.js installation)

Project Structure

|-- /wwwroot                # Static files served by the Razor app
|   |-- /css                # Final built CSS files
|-- /Node                   # Node.js files and configs
|   |-- package.json        # NPM dependencies and scripts
|   |-- /src                # Source CSS/SCSS files
|   |-- /dist               # Compiled and optimized CSS
|-- /Pages                  # Razor pages
|-- /Views                  # Razor views
|-- /Controllers            # Controllers for the app
|-- appsettings.json        # App configuration

Setup Instructions

1. Clone the Repository

git clone <repository-url>
cd <repository-folder>

2. Install Dependencies

Backend Dependencies:

Run the following command to restore .NET dependencies:

dotnet restore

Frontend Dependencies:

Navigate to the Node directory and install Node.js dependencies:

cd Node
npm install

Development Workflow

1. Build and Watch Frontend CSS

Run the following command in the Node directory to watch and build CSS changes:

npm run dev

This ensures the source CSS (in /Node/src) is processed and outputted to /Node/dist. These files are then copied to the wwwroot/css folder for use by Razor views.

2. Run the Razor App

From the project root, execute the following command:

dotnet run

The application will be available at https://localhost:5001 or http://localhost:5000.

NPM Scripts

  • npm run dev
    Watches CSS files, rebuilds on changes, and copies the output to the wwwroot/css directory.

  • npm run build
    Builds and optimizes CSS for production.

  • npm run clean
    Cleans the dist folder and resets build files.

Adding CSS to Razor Views

Reference the built CSS in your Razor views like this:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/styles.css" />

Make sure the paths match the files output to /wwwroot/css after the build.

Tools Used

.NET Razor:

  • Backend framework for building server-side web applications.

Node.js and Frontend Tools:

  • PostCSS: For CSS transformations.


  • CSS not updating:
    Ensure npm run dev is running in the Node directory and that the output files are being copied to /wwwroot/css.

  • Dependency issues:
    Check your Node.js or .NET SDK versions and ensure they match the prerequisites.


Feel free to submit issues or pull requests to improve this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.