Since the authors left DGA-MI, the project moved to clslgrnc/tbrop. Do not expect significantly more activity though...
The Dockerfile can be used as a crude installation instruction.
To build with docker:
sudo docker build -t tbrop .
sudo docker run --rm -it -v /FULL/LOCAL/PATH/FILE:/app/FILE:ro tbrop /app/FILE
It should (eventually) bring you to an ipython shell where you can do stuff like:
for g in gdgtCollection.gdgtCollection:
if g.gadgetMatrix.matrix[X86_REG_RSP,X86_REG_RAX] \
and g.gadgetMatrix.chainCond[0,X86_REG_RCX]:
More info here (in french) or there.
This is still a PoC
It'll get worse before it gets better... hopefully.