A small and simple benchmark for pattern scan (findpattern) implementations written in C# inspired by this great C++ comparison. Aimed to compare real-world scanning performance without any frills.
Feel free to create a pull request with your own patter scan implementation at any time. Use PatternScanTemplate.cs as a template for your one while following the rules. Afterwards add a [Benchmark]
block in Program.cs and create a pull request. Alternatively try to improve an already existing one.
- NO unsafe code
- NO DLLs/libraries (must work cross-platform)
- NO assembly references outside of default .NET 5 (except Microsofts "extended dotnetframework")
- NO changes to build process
- has to work on 64 bit Windows/Linux
- has to work on most modern AMD64 processors
- don't reuse functions from other implementations, keep your class self-contained
- .NET Framework 5.0
- 64bit OS
Use Visual Studio 2019 or VSCode to build
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details