Jargon Core API
work on milestone: https://github.com/DICE-UNC/jargon/issues?milestone=4&state=open
Project: Jargon-core API
Date: 09/16/2014
Release Version: 4.0.2
git tag: 4.0.2-RELEASE
Developer: Mike Conway - DICE
This release marks compatability with iRODS 4.0.3, integration work with the iRODS Consortium CI infrastructure, and a large number of accumulated fixes
and features marking the transition to the iRODS consortium model.
Please go to [[https://github.com/DICE-UNC/jargon]] for the latest news and info.
Jargon-core consists of the following libraries
- jargon-core - base libraries, implementation of the iRODS protocol
- jargon-data-utils - additional functionality for dealing with iRODS data, such as building trees, storing information in iRODS on behalf of applications, and doing diffs between local and iRODS
- jargon-user-tagging - code for using free tagging and other metadata metaphors on top of iRODS
- jargon-user-profile - allows management of user profile and related configuration data in a user home directory
- jargon-conveyor - transfer manager for managing and synchronizing data with iRODS
- jargon-ticket - support for ticket processing
- jargon-httpstream - stream http content into iRODS via Jargon
- jargon-ruleservice - support for running and managing rules from interfaces
- jargon-workflow - support for iRODS workflows
*Jargon depends on Java 1.6+
*Jargon is built using Apache Maven2, see POM for dependencies
*Jargon supports iRODS 3.0 through iRODS 3.3.1 community, as well as iRODS 4.0.3 consortium
Jargon-core uses Maven for dependency management. See the pom.xml file for references to various dependencies.
Note that the following bug and feature requests are logged in GForge with related commit information [[https://github.com/DICE-UNC/jargon/issues]]
Bug Fixes
PAM/SSL issues and slowness in workflow processing #27
Fixed PAM flush behavior for versions of iRODS > 3.2, avoiding those flushes when not necessary. This can cause significant response time issues and was only needed to work around a bug in earlier versions of iRODS PAM processing.
gen query error with IN statement #17
Fix IN statenent in GenQuery processing
improvements to efficiency of stream io transfers #16
Additional buffering and paremeter adjustments to improve file i/o streaming
implement checksum variants #24
implement pluggable checksum generation/validation (#24)
remove cache of objStat for IRODSFile operations #34
IRODSFile uses a scheme to cache information to respond to exists, isFile, length, and other requests.
As these sorts of requests are made multiple times in client scenarios, it was originally coded to cache that information once (it obtains an objStat in the background), rather than calling iRODS each time a file.xxx() method was called.
That can save a good deal of traffic, but requires calling reset() to clear the cache on the client side.
The cache semantics were removed and reset() now is deprecated and has no effect.
Significant development of new transfer framework (conveyor) to replace older transfer engine.
Conveyor is a drop-in framework to manage a persistent queue of transfers with file-by-file accounting. This will be extended in later releases to provide a client-side rule
engine that can manage pre and post transfer and pre and post file operation workflows on the client side. Conveyor is embedded within iDrop and can also be easily incorporated
into other interfaces and tools.
Add flow manager to conveyor #11
Add flow manager support to conveyor framework. This is a client side rule engine to interact with conveyor. FlowManager allows definition of Java based microservices and chaining into workflows using a Groovy based DSL
Mounted collection support
Support has been added to interact with iRODS mounted collections, including list/read/write operations
Support for rule editing and execution from interfaces
Support for interactive rule editing, with extended methods and classes to assist in interactive editing and running of iRODS rules, has been added
in the jargon-ruleservice project
iRODS Workflow support
Basic workflow support has been added in the jargon-workflow subproject to be able to parse and execute iRODS workflows
CI integration with iRODS 4 #18
Additional code and adjustments to support CI integration at iRODS Consortium. Testing now possible, with a likely second round of changes in 3.0.3 to fully automate Jargon testing in CI
Other Changes
Added capability to compute a SHA1 checksum via streaming to support ModeShape