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Issues with Test Cases and Corpus Packages ‐ march 2021

Phillip Tømmerholt edited this page Feb 22, 2024 · 1 revision

Issues with Test Cases and Corpus Packages

Classes of Issue

Categorising the issues helps by encouraging:

  • use of criteria when assessing and issue; and
  • consistency of approach when dealing with it.


These represent unresolvable issues where it is impossible to satisfy two or more requirements in the specification due to contradictions in the text.


Case Sensitivity

Causes more issues than it solves:

  • for file systems it can cause issues unpacking an IP on a different file system. Both HFS+ and Windows are unpredictable when dealing with matters of case. I'd suggest that case clashes at the file system level simply generate a warning regarding a potentially incompatible feature.

XML tag and attribute names are case-sensitive but between METS, the extension schema and E-ARK choice of values/folder names it's all a little arcane. Some XML and file system issues combine, e.g.


Mandatory folder names are a barrier to entry for orgs that have established practices, automated workflows and AIPs that use other folder names. The intention is to make it easy to know where to find types of metadata and content. Despite mandating the folder names an implementer is still forced to record the intention for the folder through a USE attribute (see Redundancy). There is a performance argument for avoiding XML parsing but there are ways to mitigate that concern.


Repetition of names and labels that don't offer additional information about the package structure and contents

CSIP 80 & 82 are identical reported here:

This Issue on the CSIP site list several instances

  • CSIP88 and CSIP90 both apply to the same node: mets/structMap[@LABEL='CSIP']/div/div[@LABEL='Metadata']
  • CSIP93 and CSIP95 both apply to the same nodeL mets/structMap[@LABEL='CSIP']/div/div[@LABEL='Documentation'] In this case CSIP93 is SHOULD while CSIP95 is a more strident MUST
  • CSIP97 and CSIP99 both apply to the same node: mets/structMap[@LABEL='CSIP']/div/div[@LABEL='Schemas']
  • CSIP101 and CSIP103 both apply to the same nodeL mets/structMap[@LABEL='CSIP']/div/div[@LABEL='Representations'] In this case CSIP101 is SHOULD while CSIP103 is a more strident MUST

Redundancy in use of the package name in mets/@OBJID CSIP1 and 'structMap/div@Label' CSIP86 attribute:


  • remove repeat requirements


Supporting Documentation

Inconsistencies between formal specification text and examples, or between examples. Policy: If resolution leaves the requirement unaltered, i.e. only the example is fixed then these can be treated as matters of accuracy, i.e. a patch release.