If you notice anything that might need improvement or is just not working for you, let us know. Feel free to give feedback by sumbitting an issue. Bonuspoints for a detailled description and screenshots if possible.
A pull request is like a box of chocolate... The first 10 pull requests that genuinely improve the website will receive a box of chocolates. Pull requests related to spelling or typographical errors do not count. We all like a challenge right?
- golang
- https://gohugo.io
- https://just.systems/ (optional)
- npm
- node ^16
npm install
Hugo is used as framework to run the frontend application. You can start a local server with the following command:
hugo server
open http://localhost:1313
The project will require both people and teams data to be present. If not, these can be generated (or hugo will fail to build). To generate a test-set of people and teams, run the following scripts:
npm run gen-people
npm run gen-teams
npm run cms
just prod-test
open http://localhost:8000
# equivalent to:
python3 serve.py