Tuffous is a powerful CLI and GUI todo manager.
- Details, deadline, time, weight and tags support for todos.
- Infinite layers of father/children todos.
- Things-3-like GUI fit with the features of Tuffous.
Tuffous requires a nerd-font patched font in order to display icons in CLI normally.
In GUI you don't need a special font.
To use Tuffous, you need first initialize a new todo repo using init
in order to store todos.
Tuffous is path-based, so you need to run it in the target folder you want.
init Initialize a new todo repo
new Create a new todo
list List todo(s) with filter(s)
edit Edit todo(s) with filter(s)
complete Complete todo(s) with filter(s)
father Mark a todo as father with filter(s) in the cache
child Mark todo(s) as children with filter(s) in the cache
remove Remove todo(s) as children with filter(s)
cleancache Clean cache
gui Open GUI (WIP)
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
Filter arguments:
--ftoday <TODAY> Filter with today only todo(s) [default: false]
--fdate <DATE> Filter with date-only todo(s)
--fdater <DATE_RANGE> <DATE_RANGE> Filter with ranged date-only todo(s)
--fddl <DDL> Filter with ddl-only todo(s)
--fddlr <DDL_RANGE> <DDL_RANGE> Filter with ranged ddl-only todo(s)
--flogged <LOGGED> Filter with logged todo(s) [default: false]
--ftag <TAGS> Filter with tags
--fname <NAME> Search with name
Edit arguments:
-n, --name <NAME> Change name of the target
-d, --details <DETAILS> Change details of the target
-w, --date <DATE> Change date of the target
--ddl <DEADLINE> Change deadline of the target
--weight <WEIGHT> Change weight of the target
-t, --tag <TAGS> Bind/unbind tags for the target
-c, --complete <BOOLEAN> Complete/uncomplete the target
Help argument:
-h, --help Print help