please be aware this codebase is soon set inactive DMD Diamond move forward to DMDv3 codebase balance from DMDv2 addresses will be available with same private keys in DMDv3
to stay up to date following us on bitcointalk and twitter @dmdcoin
Diamond (DMD)
Instructions for compiling in Linux.
Update ubuntu
sudo apt-get update
*install git to download the source code
sudo apt-get install git
*install the other necessary components
sudo apt-get install build-essential libboost1.55-all-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libdb5.1-dev libdb5.1++-dev
*navigate to the home directory
cd ~ *download the diamond source code
git clone
*navigate to the downloaded files
cd ~ *navigate to the src file in the source code
cd Diamond/src
*build diamondd !This will take a while!
make -f makefile.unix USE_UPNP=-