Today, ratings do not reveal the reality behind how good or bad an institution or business is due to inherent human bias. People have problems quantifying their happiness.
There are two types of biases that come into play: Middle Category Bias and Extreme Response Bias. Raters have a tendency to place ratings either in the middle of the scale this is known as middle category bias - these people avoid extreme positions. Others rate in the extreme positions by avoiding middle categories on the scale - this is known as extreme response bias.
Through our platform and by using appropriate sentiment analysis we will be able to eliminate bias and provide accurate information. We have built a website that takes in voice from the user, converts it into text in real time and then does sentiment analysis to quantify their feedback.
Ultimately we hope our platform will enable any business or institution requiring feedback in St-Andrews and beyond to know where they really stand so that they can optimise their businesses with accurate ratings and we can play our small role in making the world a better place.
- React.js
- Ant Design
- Hosted on Netlify
- Node.js
- Express.js
- Watson & Google Cloud SDKs
- Hosted on Heroku
Make sure you have the following installed:
- Node.js
- Git
- Clone this repository
- Do cd
folder name
[UPDATE THIS @DANIEL] - cd into the web folder
npm i
npm start
- In a new Terminal window, cd into the server folder (and add a Google Cloud credentials JSON file for speech to text access)
npm i
npm start
- Visit
and have some fun!
Created during the 24 hour Stacshack 2019 hackathon by the git commit team!
- Daniel Meechan (DMeechan)
- Dee Yeum (zdr2780)
- Nguyen Van Nguyen (moxis)
- Kanishk Ali Khanna (kanishkalikhanna)