This is a sample application in using the DNS Belgium RDAP library which retrieves the domain data from the WHOIS backends for newGTLDs.
It only performs exact domain queries, nothing else, and any TLD can be used, but not every TLD is supported and will yield output.
This is a Java Web Application, the instructions below assume that you have a recent version of the JDK and Apache Maven on your system, and preferably use an IDE for local development/testing.
In the root folder of the project, type following command:
mvn clean install
In your IDE, run the following class:
You should then find following line at the end of the generated log output
Started http://localhost:3030/
which means your server has started.
RDAP queries are now possible, for example:
Using the web application container of your choice (Tomcat, Glassfish, Jetty, ...) deploy the generated war which can be found using the path below.
For Tomcat users:
if you deploy this a regular webapp (contextpath = war name), your queries can be done as following
otherwise, if you deploy it as your ROOT webapp, it will be
Unless you are fond of curl/wget/Postman/... , you can also try the DNS Belgium RDAP client
Installing from source (requires Java and Gradle)
git clone [email protected]:DNSBelgium/rdap.git
cd rdap/client
gradle distTar
sudo tar -C /opt -xf build/distributions/rdap-<version>.tar
export PATH="$PATH:/opt/rdap-<version>/bin"
rdap --help
Try the same query
rdap --pretty -i -u http://localhost:3030/rdap