This workflow allows you to quick search for a movie or subtitles.
- Import Iris.alfredworkflow;
- Generate a OMDb API Key and add it to the environment variable OMDB_API_KEY;
- Specify the languages by which you want to search for subtitles by filling environment variable OS_LANGUAGES with a list (in order of preference) of language codes (e.g.
en pt fr
The shortcut to search for a movie is: ⌥ + ⇧ + ⌘ + i. Alternatively you can use the keyword: iris.
The alt key allows you to search for subtitles by selected IMDB id.
The shortcut to search for subtitles is: ⌥ + ⇧ + ⌘ + o. Alternatively you can use the keyword: os.
You can also search for subtitles by providing the file path. It will calculate the hash automatically and suggest subtitles for the same release.
The workflow is developed by @donsa.