Releases: DP-3T/dp3t-sdk-android
Releases · DP-3T/dp3t-sdk-android
- Expose oldest shared key DayDate when calling DP3T.sendIAmInfected(...)
- Use Maven Central publishing instead of jcenter (Version 2.2.0 and up are available on Maven Central. Earlier versions are available on jcenter)
- Sync error states are now persisted
- Removed logic for next-day-upload for the TEK of the reporting day. With this change, you must make sure that Google configured EN for your country/app to always release the last TEK directly with a shortened rolling period.
- Refactored Workers to Kotlin CoroutineWorkers for better handling of blocking EN API calls
- Added DP3TKotlin class with suspend function to send fake infected request
- Added flag to enable federation gateway sync: by default flag is not set, can be configured to be explicitly true or false
- SignatureException is now a subclass of IOException
Version 2.0.2
- make sure GoogleExposureClient does not block thread forever, but times out after 5min. This to prevent Workers to be stuck, if an EN method does not call the success or error callback, due to an error or misconfiguration in the EN framework.
Version 2.0.0
- updated to play-services-nearby-exposurenotification-1.7.1-eap.aar, make sure to update this in your project as well!
- use exposureWindows to compute attenuationDurations
- exposureDays now returns all exposure days, not only the last one as in previous versions
- updated defaults for attenuationBucketThresholds, new values are 55 and 63
- add Experiment-Mode to calibration app to simplify experiments with multiple devices and the new ExposureWindows-API (see for details)
- expose EN-Module version, this can be used to extend the userAgent to be able to handle potential bugs in future EN versions from the backend
- Version 2.0.0 of the SDK will require EN module version >= 1.6, if run on older versions a notification will be generated asking the user to update Google Play Services
- add config option DP3T.setNumberOfDaysToConsiderForExposure() to define how many days after the exposure an exposure should be considered
- add config option DP3T.setNumberOfDaysToKeepExposedDays() to define how many days after an exposure is reported, this should be kept
Version 1.0.5
- support location less scanning on Android 11
- fix state update bug when EN are activated/deactivated outside of the app
- update targetSdk to 30, use gradle 6.6.1 and Android-Plugin 4.0.1
- fix #206
Version 1.0.4
- exposed days are now deleted 14 days after reporting the exposureDay (before they were deleted 10 days after the exposure which could be only 1 day after reporting)
- handle same day release of TEK: if we receive the current days TEK directly, we do a fake request the next day. Otherwise, the current days TEK is uploaded the next day as before.
- the number of uploaded keys has been increased to 30, because with same day release of keys it is possible to have more than 14 TEKs for the past 14 days
Version 1.0.3
- upgraded to play-services-nearby-18.0.3-eap (adds a service for Google to restart our application after force stop starting v1.5)
- add success and error callback to senFakeInfectedRequest
- add response body to StatusCodeException
Version 1.0.2
- fix logic for when a sync is considered successfull in HistoryDatabase (only if no errors)
Version 1.0.1
- less frequent error notifications (only once per error while errors persist, wait 5min for GPS/Bluetooth state changes, wait 24h before showing EN API Errors)
- prevent rate limit errors when EN Api returns an error
- do not show http response code 504 error directly (like we already did for 502 and 503)
- fixed serialization issue in combination with core library desugaring