This is an application for obtaining the ruble exchange rate against other currencies through the API of the Central Bank of Russia.
Before start server, you should install virtual environment with dependencies.
After you have bent the project, in the project folder through the terminal, execute the commands:
python3 -m venv local_python_environment
source local_python_environment/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
To start server run python
or run follow commands in terminal
uvicorn main:app
To get info about service you need to use the following request:
GET "/info"
To get currency valuets:
GET "/info/currency"
This query also accepts optional parameters:
date: in the format YYYYY-MM-DD
currency quote: in ISO 4217 standard ("USD", "RUB", e.t.c)
If the query is passed without date, it will return today's date.
If passed without quote, it will return all available currencies
Any other requests will return errors