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NCrashed edited this page Nov 11, 2014 · 3 revisions
  method text NOT NULL, -- API method name (or function name)
  sql_queries text[] NOT NULL, -- a set of SQL queries
  arg_nums integer[] NOT NULL, -- corresponds to number of arguments in each SQL query in sql_queries
  set_username boolean NOT NULL, -- should pgator setup environment variables (they are defined in config file) with data from BasicAuth fields in HTTP request?
  need_cache boolean NOT NULL, -- should pgator cache respond (including errors)?
  read_only boolean NOT NULL, -- does method change data in data base?
  reset_caches text[], -- a list of signals for cache resetting that are generated when method is called
  reset_by text[], -- a list of signals that reset cached of the method
  commentary text,
  result_filter boolean[], -- if set marks which query result should be included in json respond
  one_row_flags boolean[], -- if set marks which query should return only one row (0 or more than 1 will be rollbacked)
  CONSTRAINT json_rpc_pkey PRIMARY KEY (method)
ALTER TABLE json_rpc
  OWNER TO "rpc-proxy";
COMMENT ON COLUMN json_rpc.method IS 'API method name (or function name)';
COMMENT ON COLUMN json_rpc.arg_nums IS 'corresponds to number of arguments in each SQL query in sql_queries';
COMMENT ON COLUMN json_rpc.set_username IS 'should pgator setup environment variables (they are defined in config file) with data from BasicAuth fields in HTTP request?';
COMMENT ON COLUMN json_rpc.need_cache IS 'should pgator cache respond (including errors)?';
COMMENT ON COLUMN json_rpc.read_only IS 'does method change data in data base?';
COMMENT ON COLUMN json_rpc.reset_caches IS 'a list of signals for cache resetting that are generated when method is called';
COMMENT ON COLUMN json_rpc.reset_by IS 'a list of signals that reset cached of the method';
COMMENT ON COLUMN json_rpc.result_filter IS 'if set marks which query result should be included in json respond';
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