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List All Action Types

Krish Majumdar edited this page Jul 20, 2023 · 5 revisions

This page lists all currently available action types in the database. It also allows users to perform new actions of given types, and (with the correct user permissions), create and edit action type forms. It can be accessed by clicking the Action Types sub-header in the interface's sidebar.

The listing page looks similar to the following:


At the very top of the page is a yellow [Create New Action Type Form] button. If pressed, a popup will prompt the user for an ID string to assign to the new type form, and once this is confirmed, the user will be automatically redirected to the page for creating a new action type form. Please note that creating new action type forms can only be done by users with the 'manager' role.

The main section of the listing page is a series of collapsible lists that display the 'available' action types in alphabetical order - that is, those that can be used by users to perform new actions. Each list is named according to the recommended component type for the actions in that list - for example, all actions in the 'Board Shipment' list are intended to only be performed on 'board shipment' type components. For each action type within a list, its name is shown, along with buttons for performing a new action of that type and editing the type form. Please note that editing action type forms can only be done by users with the 'manager' role.

If the user has the 'manager' role, the listing page will have a set of collapsible lists showing 'trashed' action types. These types are not available to perform new actions with, and will eventually be removed from the database entirely - usually because they are no longer needed. Users with the correct permissions may still edit these type forms, potentially to 'untrash' them if they are deemed to become useable again.

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