Flutter Application to calculate area and volume of given figures. Get the apk of app from here.
- Annulus
- Circle
- Ellipse
- Hexagon
- Kite
- Octagon
- Parallelogram
- Pentagon
- Polygon
- Quadrilateral
- Rectangle
- Rhombus
- Sector
- Semicircle
- Trapezoid
- Square
- Triangle
- Box
- Capsule
- Cone
- Cube
- Cylinder
- Hollow Cylinder
- Ellipsoid
- Frustum
- Hemisphere
- Pyramid
- Truncated Pyramid
- Sphere
- Spherical Cap
- Triangular Prism
This app uses logic from here and here for area and volume respectively.
The dart files in the lib folder such as outputscreen_one return a scaffold for output screen consisting of one input field, similarly for outputscreen_two returns two input fields and so on.
selector_2 gives a dropdown list of possible ways to find the required area or volume. selector_2 gives two items in the dropdown list, similarly selector_3 and selector_4.
importing.dart has all the imports for the main.dart file.
Currently this app is just a simple calculator with no good UI elements. Future updates will make this app more user friendly along with more better user experience.
Project made under the mentorship of Adarsh Baghel and Harshil Bhavsar