Tim's team!!!!!! We worship the divine deity Tim. This repository has been archived as it has been over a year since the VEX Robotics Competition Tipping Point 2021-22 season ended. Contact Dairy#6166 on Discord if you hvae any questions.
Use Ctrl + O and select the v5code file.
Lift clamp: 1
Conveyor belt: 5
Drivetrain: 2, 12
Lift arms: 3, 13
Body lift: 9, 14
Toggle lift clamp: A
Toggle conveyor belt: Y
Drivetrain: LS
Lift arms: L1/L2†
Body lift: R1/R2†
(This may be inaccurate because I don't update the readme, accurate port info is declared in src/robot-config.cpp)
†If the controls are reversed, swap the ports in which the motors are plugged in.
- Check all wires. Connected wires will illuminate red in the connectors.
- Check all controls. Make sure all controls work exactly as intended. See above.
- Check structural security. Components prone to failure: conveyor belt, upper body lift, and elevator clamp.
- Plug in all wires again. Make sure the connectors illuminate with red lights.
- If the lifter controls are reversed, swap the ports in which they are connected.
- Restart the program if something suddenly goes wrong (e.g. motors jam, speed abruptly changes).
Open a new issue if you find a problem that is strictly software related. 80% of problems are due to incorrect port configuration or driver error.
Also open a new issue if you want something changed or added (like if you want to change the port a motor plugs into).
I'll update this every time a new issue comes up or an update is needed until the project finishes (May/June 2022). I'll give extended support probably until sometime in August 2022 and then I'll depreciate it (and possibly archive it). You can fork it then if you want (though I don't know why you'd want to).
: declares components and component groups. Autogenerated by VEXCode PRO.include/vex.h
: some definitions, I don't know. Autogenerated by VEXCode PRO.src/main.cpp
: main class. Contains some functions for the robot that aren't used. Many of these functions are rewritten as tweaks in robot-config.cpp. I believe the only functions used are movetoacceptrings, belttoggle, and spinlift(spins the lift clamp).src/robot-config.cpp
: configuration and default behavior framework for multiple components and groups. Tweaked because using main.cpp wasn't working. Mostly autogenerated by VEXCode PRO.TFZuluLite.v5code
: used as metadata by VEXCode Pro to open the project.