Use this seed to start new deep learning / ML projects.
- Built in
- Built in requirements
- Examples with MNIST
- Badges
- Bibtex
Este repositorio genera un score para los niños del valle del cauca y los municipios del norte del cauca teniendo en cuenta 5 dimensiones
* Bienestar Material
* Cuidado
* Educación
* Salud
* Seguridad
What it does
First, install dependencies
# clone project
git clone
# install project
cd DimensionInfancias
cd Models
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
Next, navigate to any file and run it.
# module folder
cd project
# run module (example: mnist as your main contribution)
This project is setup as a package which means you can now easily import any file into any other file like so:
from project.datasets.mnist import mnist
from project.lit_classifier_main import LitClassifier
from pytorch_lightning import Trainer
# model
model = LitClassifier()
# data
train, val, test = mnist()
# train
trainer = Trainer(), train, val)
# test using the best model!
cd Front
and run the server with one of the following command
python -m http.server 8000
php -S localhost:8000
to run the models using virtualenv
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt