PyFBIG is a package that generates fake data for you. Do you need to test something with Brazilian identification such as RG, CPF, Driver's License, CRM, COREN, etc.? PyFBIG is for you.
pip install pyFBIG
from pyFBIG import FakeID
fake = FakeID()
cpf = fake.cpf_number()
# 163.710.406-50
rg = fake.rg_number()
# 86103044
rg = fake.rg()
# {
# 'name':'Lucimara Santos Lemos',
# 'gender': 'F',
# 'birth': {
# 'day': '21/10/1954',
# 'city':'Pocos de Caldas',
# 'state':'MG'
# },
# 'org': {
# 'org_name': 'Secretaria de Segurança Pública',
# 'org_acronym': 'SSP',
# 'state': 'MG',
# },
# 'affiliation': {
# 'father': 'Ronaldo Castro Lemos',
# 'mother': 'Sophia Santos Lemos'
# },
# 'rg': MG88103067
# }
crm = fake.crm_number()
# 40635352-0/BR
It is still in the prototyping and development phase. Feel free to contribute and suggest improvements.