Heavy ion Analysis Libraries
Framework for analysis of the collisions of heavy ions.
This software requires:
- ROOT 6
- gls-lib (GNU scientific libraries)
- cmake
- enter your HAL directory, and make build directory, enter there:
cd HAL
mkdir build
cd build
- Now call cmake to build software:
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=[place to install] ..
make & make install
#optionally to use [N] cores
make -j[N] && make install
Usually i install HAL in "inst" directory next to "build" directory:
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../inst ..
To use hal you should source the proper file:
source [INSTALL_DIRECTORY]/bin/hal_config.sh
Sometimes is required to set some additional parameters to HAL:
- CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD - sets cmake standard by hand (default is 17) - note: this standard should be compatible with standard used for ROOT compilation. To check ROOT compilation flag type <root-config --cflags> e.g.: if output contains -std=c++17 it means that your ROOT was compiled with standard 17. In most cases it is not necessary to set this flag
- JSROOT_DIR=[path] - sets [path] to custom JS ROOT (can be used if HAL is not compatible with JSROOT installed with ROOT)
- FAIRROOT=OFF - disables compilation with FairRoot even if FairRoot is found in system
- EXAMPLES=ON - enable examples
Note: to use the option set -D[option] flag e.g., -DEXAMPLES=ON during calling cmake
- Page @subpage femto_analysis
- Page @subpage subpage_2
- Page @subpage subpage_3
This software contains not only libraries but also few applications:
- hal-report generates HTML report, unfortunatelly jsroot will not work directly you have to setup a sever or pretend that you are setup the server (e.g., python3 -m http.server called inside of report directory)
- hal-merger for efficient merging of many HAL files
- hal-jobs to submit jobs on cluster without painfull BASH
- hal-cmake a helper for fast buidlign libraries/classes for cuts
- simplification of buffer class - using pointers instead of int maps?
- std::fuction for custom class cuts?
- removing duplicate cut monitors