Reposts Reddit posts from a target user to a specific slack channel
Helper class to make working with Selenium recho waits easier and more accessible
Its useful to create a virtual environment for installing and running recho
$ sudo pip install virtualenv
$ cd ~
$ virtualenv .venvrecho
$ source .venvrecho/bin/activate
Register your app with Reddit, and jot down your Client ID and Secret
- Click "create another app" button at the bottom
- Click "script" radio button
- Fill in the remaining boxes, the actual values don't matter
- Click create, and record Client ID and Secret
Install from PyPI using pip:
$ pip install --update recho
Add the configuration file
$ touch ~/.recho.ini
Write the following into that file, adding your Slack token and channel
client_id: <Reddit Client ID>
client_secret: <Reddit Client Secret>
# Follow instructions at
token: <Your slack token>
channel: <your channel name>
Note that the channel name is without the hash. general instead of #general
Recho is designed for use with cron. Simply add an entry similar to the one below:
$ sudo vi /etc/crontab
If you use a virtual environment:
* * * * * user source ~/.venvrecho/bin/activate && recho acidtwist
Otherwise you can simply call recho directly
* * * * * user recho acidtwist