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This project started out as a guide to run playback ONT sequencing without sudo or a GUI. Now I have sudo permissions on a VM with a GPU and a GUI, so this guide will be much simplified. For the previous instructions, see the directory arch/.

DISCLAIMER: You need to be part of the ONT community forum to be able to use this repository. Check their policies and how to get an account on the platform.


  • log into PVE to start VM
  • ssh into VM
  • run scripts to install software and setup the project's environment
  • (setup deployment via pycharm to get WIP code in VM)
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git curl htop

mkdir -p ~/proj/simion && cd ~/proj/simion
echo 'alias l="ls -Flh --color"' >>~/.bash_aliases 
echo 'alias les="less -S"' >>~/.bash_aliases
source ~/.bash_aliases
# grab and add the public key for the ONT repos
wget -O ont_key
sudo apt-key add ont_key
# add the repository to the sources and update lists
echo "deb focal-stable non-free" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nanoporetech.sources.list
sudo apt-get update
# install ONT's software - and a huge dependency tree
sudo apt-get install -y ont-standalone-minknow-gpu-release

# download bulk fast5 file for playback sequencing
mkdir -p ~/proj/simion/data
wget -O ./data/GXB02001_20230509_1250_FAW79338_X3_sequencing_run_NA12878_B1_19382aa5_ef4362cd.fast5

# install miniforge
curl -L -O "$(uname)-$(uname -m).sh"
bash Miniforge3-$(uname)-$(uname -m).sh

At this point a quick logging out/in is necessary to make mamba happy

# create mamba env in which to run the playback 
mamba create -n simion
mamba activate simion
mamba install python==3.11 pip bioconda::gfatools bioconda::minimap2 bioconda::miniasm bioconda::mappy
pip install minknow_api
# requirements for boss testing
pip install pytest-cov pytest-timeout numba scipy bottleneck 

# download and index human genome
wget -O $BOSS_DATA_DIR/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.primary_assembly.fa.gz
gunzip $BOSS_DATA_DIR/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.primary_assembly.fa.gz
minimap2 -x map-ont -d $BOSS_DATA_DIR/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.primary_assembly.fa.mmi $BOSS_DATA_DIR/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.primary_assembly.fa

# adjust permissions of various ONT files
sudo chmod -R a+w /opt/ont/dorado/data
sudo chmod a+w /opt/ont/minknow/conf/app_conf
sudo chmod a+w /opt/ont/minknow/conf/user_conf
sudo chmod a+w /opt/ont/minknow/conf/package/sequencing/sequencing_MIN114_DNA_e8_2_400K.toml
sudo chmod a+rwx /tmp/.guppy/
sudo chmod 4755 /opt/ont/ui/kingfisher/chrome-sandbox

stop ONTs daemons

# code snippet that's useful when running minknow NOT in singularity
# stop and disable the systemctl services, launch manually when needed instead
systemctl stop doradod.service
systemctl disable doradod.service
systemctl stop minknow.service
systemctl disable minknow.service

setup ONT configs

Necessary changes to the ONT config files for playback sequencing. Main action here is to point to a bulkfile for playback. I.e. write the simulation = [] line to the sequencing protocol.toml This might not be necessary if using a GUI, then playback can be selected in MinKNOW

# make a backup copy of the sequencing protocol
cp /opt/ont/minknow/conf/package/sequencing/sequencing_MIN114_DNA_e8_2_400K.toml /opt/ont/minknow/conf/package/sequencing/sequencing_MIN114_DNA_e8_2_400K.toml.bkp
# add the line to point to a bulkfile for simulation 
sed -i '/\[custom_settings\]/a simulation="/home/administrator/proj/simion/data/GXB02001_20230509_1250_FAW79338_X3_sequencing_run_NA12878_B1_19382aa5_ef4362cd.fast5"' /opt/ont/minknow/conf/package/sequencing/sequencing_MIN114_DNA_e8_2_400K.toml
# change output directory of minknow in user config, and lower minimum disk space. Otherwise sequencing might not work
/opt/ont/minknow/bin/config_editor --conf user --filename /opt/ont/minknow/conf/user_conf --set output_dirs.logs="logs" --set output_dirs.base="$(pwd)/minknow_run"
/opt/ont/minknow/bin/config_editor --conf application --filename /opt/ont/minknow/conf/app_conf --set disk_space_warnings.reads.minimum_space_mb=1000 

Playback procedure

mamba activate simion
cd ~/proj/simion
bash code/   

cd ~/proj/boss/BOSS-RUNS/tests

# 1. test readfish on its own - unblock everything 
readfish unblock-all --device MS00000 --experiment-name "rf_uall"

# 2. test integrated readfish
# with this config, roughly half of all reads should be rejected,
# i.e. all reads from runs conditionn
python ../boss/ config/BOSS_RUNS_RF.toml MS00000 boss
python out_runs/
python ../boss/ config/BOSS_AEONS_RF.toml MS00000 boss
python out_aeons/

# 3. run boss on the sample configs
python ../boss/ --toml config/BOSS_AEONS.toml --toml_readfish config/BOSS_AEONS_RF.toml  
python ../boss/ --toml config/BOSS_RUNS_CH20.toml --toml_readfish config/BOSS_RUNS_RF.toml 

# 4. run the playback pytests
pytest playback

# summary of read lengths per target chromosome
# readfish summary code/human_chr_selection.toml minknow_run/no_group/no_sample/20220811_2302_MS00000__674e6c81/fastq_pass/
python code/
python code/

Maintenance notes

Bits that might change in the future and need to be checked:

  • ONT software stack: update installation commands in setup script
  • sequencing protocol: change in code block of ONT configs; change in
  • sequencing kit: in; in
  • starting protocol from api: from their examples. All changes in my version are marked with TODOs
  • minknow_api: update the script to start sequencing - has hard-coded protocol


Crucial resources:

Miles Benton's guides for live GPU basecalling:

starting a head-less sequencing run:


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  • Python 96.5%
  • Shell 3.5%