It simulates ordinary differential equations with a state space representation and external input. scipy.integrate.solve_ivp
integrates continuous systems. Discrete systems are iterated with a fixed step size.
State space description, given an initial condition
- for linear continuous models (
- for nonlinear continuous models (
): - for linear discrete models (
The continuous simulator will evaluate the function depending on the method chosen. The input sequence is always discrete with a constant distance of step_size
. The output sequence has the same step size as the input sequence. Therefore the result of the continuous integrator is resampled (or evaluated) to the step_size
The systems that can be simulated with statesim
are described by nonlinear differential equations. Each system has a nonlinear symbolic expression that can be used for simulation and is considered the ground truth data. From the nonlinear symbolic expressions, linearizations can be derived and evaluated at an equilibrium point with SymPy
Currently, the following systems are implemented
CartPole: Zero input, the initial state is around the upright position of the pole (Barto AG, Sutton RS, Anderson CW. Neuronlike adaptive elements that can solve difficult learning control problems. IEEE Transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics. 1983 Sep(5):834-46.)
Coupled mass spring damper system: states of 4 coupled masses
Inverted pendulum with torque input: Zero input, the initial state is around the upright position of the pole
Random input sequences can be generated to excite the system.
Currently, the following types of input generation are implemented:
- Random Static: Static inputs that jump to another static value after a random time from a given interval.
To generate a dataset for a continuous linear system, you can use the script
. This will use the matrices defined in config/linear.json
. The following output is generated for a double integrator with Gaussian measurement noise. The input sequence is a random static sequence in the range
In scripts/notebooks
, some examples of how to use statesim
are shown in jupyter notebooks. To generate .csv
files from the simulations, the script scripts/
offers this for the cart pole example. The configuration can also be external as a .json
file with the fields:
"result_directory": "str, Directory where the .csv files will be stored, must exist",
"base_name": "str, Folder name within the result directory, will be created",
"seed": "int, a random seed that will be set to numpy",
"K": "int, Number of samples",
"T": "float, Simulation end time start is always 0, e.g. [0, T]",
"step_size": "float, step between two measurements",
"input": "Optional: InputGeneratorConfig, configuration for generating random input sequences, if not defined there will be no input",
"system": "SystemConfig, specific configuration for the system to be simulated",
"simulator": "SimulatorConfig, configuration for the simulator, requires an initial state"
"measurement_noise": "Optional: NoiseConfig, configuration for measurement noise, if not defined there will be no measurement noise"