The tasks were:
- Classify dances in a video of arbitrary length.
We chose to compare models by their performance on kinetics 600. We ended up using the pytorch implementation of MoViNets.
Benefits of the MoViNets Stream Buffers :
- Allow the usage of constant memory at inference time.
- Takes into account longer temporal relationships.
- LightWeight
To install:
git clone
cd dance_classification
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate dance_classification_env
To run a streamlit webapp of our model:
streamlit run
- You can select the granularity of the classification. (How many classes)
- You can select a file to run inference on.
- You can select how often the buffer is resetted.
If this is too short - there's not enough information to make a good classification.
If this is too long - There will be a lag in detection of new actions. Can even miss short actions.
inference demo: The repo automatically downloads the models, and saves it for future runs