This tutorial demonstrates simulating UR manipulators with Nvidia Isaac Sim and ROS 2, including single and multi-robot setups and camera vision integration, using planners like LULA, RMPFlow, and Curobo.
To run the Docker-based simulation tutorial, ensure your system meets the following requirements:
- Operating System: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS or later (preferred); Docker is also available for Windows and macOS.
- Docker: Docker Engine and Docker Compose installed (version 1.27+ recommended).
- CPU: Multi-core processor (e.g., Intel Core i7 or equivalent).
- GPU: NVIDIA GPU with CUDA support (e.g., RTX 2060 or higher) and driver version 525.60.11 or later.
- RAM: Minimum 8 GB (16 GB recommended).
- Storage: At least 50 GB of free disk space for Docker images and data.
- Network: Stable internet connection for downloading Docker images and dependencies.
Important: Ensure Docker is properly configured to utilize the GPU if required and that your system has adequate resources for smooth operation. Verify GPU availability with the following command:
docker run --rm --gpus all nvidia/cuda:11.2.2-base-ubuntu20.04 nvidia-smi
Setup NVIDIA GPU Cloud (NGC) Environment:
Ensure you have an NGC API key. Follow the instructions here to generate one.
Log in to NGC using Docker:
docker login Username: $oauthtoken Password: [Your NGC API Key]
Install and configure your omniverse Nucleus user:
Ensure that you have Omniverse Launcher installed
After installing Omniverse Launcher, configure your local Nucleus Server
Clone the Workshop Repository:
git clone
cd Manipulators-simulation-workshop-roscon-es-2024/Docker
- Build the Docker Image:
Run the provided script to set up the environment and build the Docker images:
bash isaac_sim_2023.1.0
Then, build the required services:
docker compose build demo_isaac demo_isaac_zimmer
- Run the Docker Containers:
Enable GUI visualization on your host machine:
xhost + # this will enable gui visualization
Start the Isaac Sim container:
bash isaac_sim_2023.1.0
cd examples/code/
To Run, execute the following command inside the Docker terminal
# Isaac Sim Docker Terminal
In your computer, open a second terminal and execute
cd Manipulators-simulation-workshop-roscon-es-2024/Docker
docker compose up demo_isaac
To Run the, execute the following command inside the Docker terminal
# Isaac Sim Docker Terminal
In your computer, open a second terminal and execute
cd Manipulators-simulation-workshop-roscon-es-2024/Docker
docker compose up demo_isaac_zimmer