Are you looking for a Perpetual Center of Gravity?
Hi 👋 My name is Dario Cafasso (Maglio)
I come from a little city close to Naples and study Theoretical Physics in Florence 🔭
My interest in fundamental physics is reflected in my research activity and interests, and I am fascinated by the intersection between science and society. I enjoy exploring nature and travelling, coming into contact with different cultures to discover more about my own as well. The resulting curiosity and wonder make me a supporter of Open Knowledge , Curiosity Driven Learning and accessibility of educational tools, for an advancement toward a more inclusive and sustainable society.
- 🏫 I am enrolled in a PhD program in Quantum Technologies at University Federico II, Naples.
- 👀 My interests are Statistical Physics, Quantum Field Theory and Gravity.
- 🌱 My numerical skills include Machine Learning and Monte Carlo simulations.
- 📫 How to reach me: [email protected].
Living seems like a continuous change of perspective about the world, trying to capture the harmony among an uncountable number of relationships, and always looking for a permanent center of gravity. Its existence is not guaranteed, but the game of survival - driven by natural selection - has made us capable of enjoying learning, playing with the building blocks of the world.
With this in mind, I like to read books, watch movies and listen to music to experience and understand something little and new about life. I really enjoy the works of Milan Kundera, Federico Fellini and Franco Battiato, just to mention some. I keep track of my updates and make lists of related items with several apps, which also help me discover and share. I also like to learn new languages and play musical instruments. Sometimes I play chess and Go with my friends. Finally, I love to hike in natural landscapes. I'm addicted to the beauty of nature, espresso and spontaneity.
- 📖 Goodreads:
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- 🌷 INaturalist:
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Ciò che di me sapeste
non fu che la scialbatura,
la tonaca che riveste
la nostra umana ventura.
Ed era forse oltre il telo
l'azzurro tranquillo;
vietava il limpido cielo
solo un sigillo.
O vero c'era il falòtico
mutarsi della mia vita,
lo schiudersi d'un'ignita
zolla che mai vedrò.
Restò così questa scorza
la vera mia sostanza;
il fuoco che non si smorza
per me si chiamò: l'ignoranza.
Se un'ombra scorgete, non è
un'ombra - ma quella io sono.
Potessi spiccarla da me,
offrirvela in dono.