Easy openCV projects
run this code to count number of tetris objects in tetris_blocks.png image
- Picking up where i left of in learning computer vision i.e Day (3/17) in pyimagesearch course
- Document scanner for static images added
- making an object tracker for a green color ball i.e Day (4-5/17) in pyimagesearch course
- fixing some bugs in the previous programs built
- Finding ways for designing cross-platform appplications of computer vision
- reading articles on android apps using openCV applications
- searching different types of frame processing techniques for videostream
- trying out the diferent functions in imutils module
- updating on Day (5/17) in pyimagesearch course
- seeing the difference of applications in opencv written in C++ and Python
- completing Day (6/17) in pyimagesearch course
- opencv program to get actual size of objects
- reading articles on the recent topics in OpenCV
- further reading on OpenCV applications
- searching topics for a project without using machine learning techniques
- going a little further in opencv (still not reached state where i can combine computer vision with machine learning)
taking a short break coz exams going on at my univ
- finding ways to detect number of cars from datset f videos of traffic jam
- starting to learn CNN
- searching for simple CNN projects