Releases: DaryeDev/LootsTools
v3.1: New Command Editor, new Module Formats, more Commands, and más Cositas...
Hey there! Darye here!
It's been a while since I last posted an update, but that's what I want to do with binary updates: Minimize them as much as possible.
This one is for a good reason, and a REALLY big one, stick with me.
New Commands and functions might need new dependencies, and before this update, this meant a binary update with these new dependencies. But not anymore! 😎
This update adds a new Module Format, that allows info about it to be read without decrypting it, but more importantly, I can now pack files needed by the Module or dependencies with it.
Nothing changes regarding how you use Loot's Tools with this, but you'll need to update a lot less, and it allows me to make more cool things easier.
And now the big stuff: The New Editor!
A new block-based Scratch-like Editor has arrived in town!
- Commands and Events (such as the Streamloots or Custom ones), are now more easily found in Categories.
- Logic, Variables, Functions, and Loops are now possible on the Editor!
- Added more Streamloots Focused Commands on the base program (Create Coupon and Gift Codes, get Subs, send Custom Alerts, toggle Cards and Collections...)
- Tags and LootsLabels are now Blocks.
- Custom Timeframes LootsLabels. (Get your top Redeemers or Buyers from one day to another, or from x days ago to today)
- Translation between Streamloots, Discord, or Twitch Users (If synced with the Loot's Tools Browser Companion).
- EXtension Commands can return data; for example, you can now put your Twitch's Stream Info on your OBS overlay.
- Commands now can be made easier, with more complexity and logic, great for both new and pro Users, visually easier, and more focused on Programming your Events. (Everything is available for Free Users too)
It's a great thing I managed to pull this off, but more importantly, your old Cards and Events' Commands will translate to the new Format.
I also moved sharing Cards and Collections to a files-based system, so you can save files, Overlays, or sounds in them to share along the Cards, and optimized and sped it up by a lot.
The Docs were also updated, for the new Commands and Editor, and the rest of the Tools and Services of the Loot's Tools Suite, such as the Discord Bot or the Browser Companion.
If you have any suggestions, please drop them on the Discord Server.
Let's make Loot's Tools better together as a Community <3
I'm starting CS at University, and time might restrict how much time I put into the Loot's Tools Suite, so stuff might roll out slower than before, but I'll still be updating it all in my free time. ^^
(Mac release not available because of bugs on packing Loot's Tools Desktop.)
Much love y un besito,
- Darye.
Better module updating
Hey there, Darye here!
Updating Loot's Tools via Modules had been really useful, but there was a thing that bugs me now that I have used it more extensively to deliver updates and little bug fixes to you guys: Some modules need to load when loading Loot's Tools, sometimes requiring two reboots to get these bug-fixes or new features.
With this update, updates are checked before even loading the module, to update it if needed, and then load it, leading to having these updated modules with one or no reboots (the latter only if the update was launched with your Loot's Tools closed).
I'm working on some cool stuff, like the Loot's Tools Browser Companion and the Discord Bot, which I will talk about soon, with a feature list, my plans, and (possibly) a video accompanying them. I'm really excited to bring my tools also to the Viewers and make Loot's Tools available for even more people.
Well, hope to see you real soon ;)
Have a great day,
- Darye.
Fixed TTS
Added Play Sound, TTS, Block Keyboard, and Modify Keys Commands
Hey there, Darye here!
Two days ago I released v3, and I promised to be launching almost done Commands soon.
Well, today is "soon", and 4 more Commands are ready to go! Here they are:
Play Sound:
Drop a sound on your Sounds folder and play them when a Card is used, someone Subs, or with a new User on Chat!
To open the Sounds folder, head out to the Sound Page on the UI and Click "Open Sounds Folder". Drop your sounds (.mp3 or .wav) there and go edit a Card or Event to add them! -
Say thanks to your latest Sub, make them custom said-on-stream shoutout messages, or make a TTS Channel Point Reward or Card or Event or whatever. Now you can, that's the point xd. -
Block Keyboard:
One of the planned for a long time, this Command blocks one, two, or all Keys on your Keyboard! Select the keys to block, the time to block them, and et'voilà!, you are now handicapped on the game you are playing thanks to your more loyal fans! -
Modify Keys:
The weird, but cool, cousin of the last Command, the "Modify Keys" Command explains on its name its function: It modifies what your keys do: Make it so your W presses S and vice-versa, and you've got reversed legs, or maybe change all keys to press f to pay respects.
The update of the binary is because of the new dependencies that some of these commands need, especially the sound ones. I'll think of a way to append new dependencies with Modules, to make updates like this less common.
Well, here they are! I wanted to get this done before Friday, and I managed to do it. Now, I'll focus on new EXtensions and the New Editor, but time to time and be patient...
As always, if you find any bug, report it by opening an issue on the Github page, or write about it on the Discord Server, where you can also talk with other Loot's Tools users and brainstorm some new ideas!
Until next time,
- Darye
v3 "Ducky" Release!
Hello there, Darye here!
It's been a while since I announced v3 and opened the beta, but after tons of time spent fixing bugs, here it is! The v3 "Ducky" Release!
This update changed almost the entire codebase, rewriting and modifying nearly every function to comply with the new Modular system.
- But what does the Modular thing means?
Modularity in Loot's Tools is something I wanted since the beginning, because, being honest, the constant "full-packaged" updates, even for minor bugs or details, were a pain.
But now, with the Ducky Modular system, updates are OTA, each Module, or "Breadcrumb", is updated in the background, some even without needing a restart.
- That's cool and all, but is there any new stuff added?
Yes. The new biggest thing added is the Loot's Tools Overlay! Add images on top of your screen to let your fans blind you, flashbang you, jumpscare you, troll you, and whatever you think of!
Also, there is the Demo Period! Now new and Free users can try Loot's Tools Plus, without restrains or strings attached, for a whole month!
In the next days, a Sound Command will be dropping, next to more Keyboard Commands, like blocking some keys (or the entire keyboard!) or modifying keys to press other ones.
There is also an Editor update on the way, to make it even easier and with more features, along with some developer documentation to make Advanced Cards and EXtensions easily! (+ more planned things and new EXtensions)
- Only those two new things?
Not really. While I might have rushed to release this update, it is because there had been a lot of work coding servers, the different infrastructures, perfecting all the code and stuff, and because v2 will no longer be maintained, and I don't wanna leave you without technical support or waiting for new things to be released. (oh yeah, and exams xd)
The aforementioned new features will drop sooner than later, but expect the Editor one to take a while...
-Why the "Ducky" name?
The "Ducky" name of this update came from the connections between the Client ("Ducky"), the Server ("Mamá Pato" (Mother Duck)), the devs and admins ("Papá Pato" (Father Duck)), and the different Data the Client might receive ("Breadcrumbs").
I like to give fun names to everything I work on, it's a good practice and makes me maintain my sanity. 😎
Leaving these questions behind, I'm really happy to finally release v3.
This version is a mix of a lot of things I've been wanting to implement on Loot's Tools since the first version, and now here they are!: The Demo, the Modularity, the Overlay, and the things planned, but not yet released, on this major "Ducky" update!
As always, if you find any bugs or wanna suggest something, there is our Discord Server where you can talk with me and other users to brainstorm and discuss your ideas, or open an issue report on Github.
Un besazo,
- Darye.
Subs, Reactions and Emojis fixed!
Hey there! Darye here!
Today's update is just for some fixes, let's get through it:
- On Streamloots Sub Event fixed, but now is called with the Award, not the purchase event. Resubs also work now.
- Reactions fixed.
- Emojis and symbols on Cards or Events now work.
That's all for now. I'm working on something cool, that a lot of people will like, but rn I'm with exams, so I can't give it a lot of time.
Loot's Tools v3 is going to be really cool hehe.
Until next time,
- Darye.
Improvements on Custom Events, Tags and the Streamloots Library.
Hey there! Darye here!
This update is a quick one, but it has some quality of life changes and incorporates months old changes on Streamloots, sorry about not doing this last one before xd
Here's what changed in today's update:
- Custom Events are no longer sent through Streamloots. Now that we have stable Driveway to send these Events outside of your computer, this is no longer needed but handled locally. No need to change anything this time.
- Tags are now reloaded on each Card Command (or Block), so Commands can change Tags to be used on later ones (such as creating a Coupon and then sending it to your Twitch Chat.).
- Card Amount can now be specified when making Streamloots' Gift Codes.
- Multiselect arguments for Custom Commands have been fixed on the Editor.
- Changed again the updating method.
Not a lot of things, but some of them improve using Loot's Tools a little bit. Updates for twitchEX and streamlootsEX will release with this update, using the latest changes.
Until next time,
- Darye
Hot-fix: Pack gifting and command interpreting bug-fixes
Hey there! Darye here!
This is just a quick update acknowledging some of the issues of the last update.
I'm so sorry for the inconvenience,
- Darye
Security, changes on core libraries and backups!
Hey there! Darye here!
Since the last update, I've been changing some things on Loot's Tools. Not a lot, but some small things:
- Now the User's account type is sent to the UI, this will let me make some exclusive things to different types of users, such as Early Birds, on the UI.
- EXtension loading was optimized.
- EXtensions used on Cards are now stated on their "card.json" when saving and sharing them. This will make the EXtensions install automatically when sharing this Card with other Users (Not yet implemented, I gotta work on some things regarding EXtensions before this.)
- Updated the Installer.
- Fixed DriveWay, reconnections are now possible, and a little message is now printed on Log when connected successfully.
- Fixed a bug in Custom Events detection.
- Fixed a event loop bug when receiving messages through WebSockets.
- userInfo is now sent to the Pool.
- Fixed useEXtensionFunction.
- Cards and Collections are now backed up when modifying or deleting them. They will be made in a folder called "backups" on Loot's Tools Installation Folder.
- Changed update method, now it downloads the Installer through the Browser.
- Mac users now will be also notified that a new version is available and will be sent to download it.
- lib.utils.MessageBox now returns the selected value.
- lib.utils.getStreamlootsToken is no longer available.
- On lib.Streamloots.sendEvent, the user argument is now optional.
- lib.Streamloots methods will no longer take a token argument. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT: IF YOU USE STREAMLOOTS METHODS ON YOUR ADVANCED CARDS OR EVENTS, DO NOT SEND THE TOKEN ARGUMENT, THINGS MIGHT BREAK. (also getStreamlootsToken isn't available, so good luck sending the token xd)
I think that's all, updates for the different EXtensions that use Streamloots methods will be released, acknowledging these changes.
Btw, I got a cool update for Twitch's EXtension coming hehehe
Until next time,
- Darye.
Bug Fixes y cositas.
Hey there! Darye here!
Today's update doesn't bring too much to the table but is a collection of bug fixes I've been finding with streamers and new users:
- First of all, Advanced Cards now are reloaded correctly, so now they work better.
- LootsLabels and Pool Variables are now available on normal Cards as Tags.
- "Equal" block now writes to Pool.
- Fixed Tags.
- Fixed Path bug that would lead to directory changes.
- Fixed bug where userInfo would not load correctly on UI's first load.
- Fixed reading Card events with blank optional text inputs.
- LootsLabels are now also reloaded on Card Redeem Events.
- Custom Events are now faster to use, leading to less queued Events, with better detection of them.
- Fixed URL on the "There are no commands on this Card" message.
- Fixed reconnect issues and fixed multi-line jokes on Twitch's EXtension.
- Fixed "You can't use Advanced Cards" on free accounts on non-Advanced Cards.
That's all for now, I did a Guide for people interested in Gifting Packs with Twitch Channel Points, that also contains how to make Pack-gifting Cards, and you can find it here: Gift Packs with Twitch Channel Points
Until next time,
- Darye