This repository contains source code for the Dasharo documentation webpage
Please make sure to follow below steps before publishing your changes as a merge request.
virtualenv -p $(which python3) venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
mkdocs serve
By default, it will host a local copy of documentation at:
If the following error occurs OSError: [Errno 98] Address already in use
, try
using a different address by running the command mkdocs serve -a localhost:12345
(the number is random).
It is crucial at this point to verify that the pages you have changed render correctly as HTML in local preview.
It is also important to read through the console output after running mkdocs serve
. You should definitely eliminate any WARNING
s related to your
contribution before submitting it for review, and you should consider applying
suggestions marked as INFO
If you want to use a browser for a live preview while you keep making changes,
consider adding --dirty
flag to mkdocs serve
command. It limits automatic
regeneration to only changed files and makes browser updates much faster.
Currently we are using lychee a fast, async, stream-based link checker written in Rust. The automatic check is triggered on each push to master PR.
You can also run it locally using a docker image:
$ docker run --init -it --rm -w $(pwd) -v $(pwd):$(pwd) lycheeverse/lychee
--max-redirects 10 -a 403,429,500,502,503,999 .
Please avoid using URL-related links like:
[MSI PRO Z790-P](../../unified/msi/overview)
Instead, use relative links within the repository:
[MSI PRO Z790-P](../unified/msi/
Find all occurrences:
grep -E "TBD|TODO" docs/**/*.md -r
Iterate over all occurrences and check if:
- file, where TBD or TODO occurs, is displayed (included in nav section of mkdocs.yml)
- TBD or TODO is visible on the website
There should be no TBD or TODO visible on the website.
Install pre-commit, if you followed local build procedure
should be installed -
Install hooks into repo:
pre-commit install
Enjoy automatic checks on each
git commit
action! -
(Optional) Run hooks on all files (for example, when adding new hooks or configuring existing ones):
pre-commit run --all-files
In some cases, it may be needed to skip pre-commit
tests. To do that, please
git commit --no-verify
Embedding videos with in-line HTML iframe
tag does not work.
mkdocs-video plugin is used
instead. To embed an video simply type the following in markdown:

Each subsection of supported hardware should look as follows - there should be no more sections:
- 'Vendor Model':
- 'Overview': variants/<vendor_model>/
- 'Releases': variants/<vendor_model>/
- 'Building manual': variants/<vendor_model>/
- 'Initial deployment': variants/<vendor_model>/
- 'Firmware update': variants/<vendor_model>/
- 'Recovery': variants/<vendor_model>/
- 'Hardware Configuration Matrix': variants/<vendor_model>/
- 'Test Matrix': variants/<vendor_model>/
- 'Security and Privacy (optional)': variants/<vendor_model>/
- 'Other manuals (optional)': variants/<vendor_model>/
- 'FAQ (optional)': variants/<vendor_model>/
can have multiple meanings, but it can be a vendor who sells the platform, OEM or ODM. We tend to follow the naming convention used incoreboot
or other open-source firmware projects. We can consider adjustment of the name for SEO reasons, community, or customer demand.Model
in most cases it would include some literal and number, we don't want to overload the reader with very precise IDs. As for vendors we try to reuse existing open-source firmware conventions, but if needed we can adjust the model name.Overview
presents general information related to Dasharo, history, map of subsections, marketing materials, and press release links.Releases
section where all binaries are provided in a standardized way.Building manual
section provides instructions on how to build release and debug binaries in a reproducible manner.Firmware update
section explains all methods to update the firmware. If additional steps are needed to perform updates between specific versions it, should also be covered in this section.Recovery
section describes what to do in case of various error signatures e.g. platform not booting or hanging in a particular place.Hardware Configuration Matrix
- presents the configuration used in Dasharo labs to perform validation as well as a community-contributed hardware compatibility reports, which present CPUs, GPUs, memory modules, and other components tested by community.Test Matrix
- presents a list of tests that we execute during the release process.Community Test Results
- an optional section that presents test results contributed by the community.Security and Privacy
- an optional section that provides security-related information, like the size of the trusted computing base (via Dasharo Openness Score), manuals on how to use verified boot, measured boot, or UEFI Secure Boot.Other manuals
- an optional section that provides other manuals, such as: how to enable fan control, update EC controller, customize logo etc.FAQ
- frequently asked questions related to a given hardware platform and Dasharo support for it.