Sneaker Store is a place where you can find and buy for your ambition sneakers that you need
You can go to page via
In this app, you can search, get information and make a payment for this sneaker if you love it
User can login faster by google account, and make a payment online via paypal. After user make a payment successfully user will receive a information mail about this purchase
As a owner shop, i use adminjs dashboard which owner easily manage the products, user and the payment with CRUD
Admin page:
As a user, you can get and select items
As a admin page, you can edit, upload, get , delete your items
- As a user, i can register and login with name, email, password
- As a admin shop, i can register and login with name, email, password
- As a user, i can see list of items
- As a user, i can update my profile
- As a admin shop, i can edit item
- As a admin shop, i can create new item
- As a admin shop, i can delete the item
- As a admin shop, i can get list of items
- As a user and admin, i can get list of items
- As a user and admin, i can get detail of item
* @route POST /users/login
* @description Login with username and password
* @body {email, password}
* @access Public
* /
* @route POST /auth/google/login/success
* @description Get user's information after login by google
* /
* @route GET /auth/google/login/failed
* @description Response if login error
* /
* @route GET /auth/google
* @description Direct to login google page
* /
* @route GET /auth/google/callback
* @description Receive google'response after login via google account
* /
* @route POST /users
* @description Register new user
* @body {name, email, password}
* @access Public
* /
* @route GET /users/me
* @description Get current user Info
* @access Login required
* /
* @route PUT /users
* @description Update user's profile
* @body {name, phoneNumber, address}
* @access Login required
* /
* @route PUT /users/addcart
* @description Add product to user's cart
* @access Login required
* /
* @route GET /users/history
* @description Get payment'history
* @access Login required
* /
* @route GET /payment
* @description Get payment's detail
* @access Login
* /
* @route POST /payment
* @description Post info of user's payment
* @access Login
* /
* @route GET /items?page=1&limit=20
* @description Get item with pagination
* @access Public
* /
* @route GET /items/:id
* @description Get the item's detail
* @access Public
* /