DandelionWebSockets is a client side WebSocket package.
Create a subtype of WebSocketHandler
, with callbacks for WebSocket events. Create a WSClient
connect to a WebSocket server.
type MyHandler <: WebSocketHandler
# These are called when you get a text or binary frame, respectively.
on_text(handler::MyHandler, text::UTF8String) = ...
on_binary(handler::MyHandler, data::Vector{UInt8}) = ...
# These are called when the state of the WebSocket changes.
state_connecting(handler::MyHandler) = ...
state_open(handler::MyHandler) = ...
state_closing(handler::MyHandler) = ...
state_closed(handler::MyHandler) = ...
The following functions are available on WSClient
, to send frames to the server.
send_text(c::WSClient, s::UTF8String)
send_binary(c::WSClient, data::Vector{UInt8})
# Close the WebSocket.
To connect to a WebSocket server, call
wsconnect(client::WSClient, uri::URI, handler::WebSocketHandler)
TL;DR: If on Julia 0.4 or 0.5, use master. If on Julia 0.6, use branch
The current master branch was originally built for julia 0.4, with compatibility
for 0.5 added later.
The branch release_1.0.0
contains updates for Julia 0.6. Work will continue on
that branch until it's ready for a release, and it's expected that people have
moved on to Julia 0.6. I will then merge it to master and tag it with a release
- Implement regular pings, to ensure the connection is up.
- Wait for Requests.jl next release. This package needs a HTTP Upgrade feature of Requests.jl, which is only present in master, not in the release 0.3.7.
- Ability to send multi-frame messages.
DandelionWebSockets is licensed under the MIT license.