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SNL-Delft3D-CEC-Verify is a python package for automated testing of SNL-Delft3D-CEC and SNL-Delft3D-FM-CEC which adds current energy converter (CEC) support to the Delft3D 4 (structured) and Delft3D Flexible Mesh suites, respectively. This package is used to verify the performance of SNL-Delft3D-CEC and SNL-Delft3D-FM-CEC by comparing against the 2014 flume experiment conducted by Mycek et al.[1].

Quick Start

Python Distribution

Due to the many non-Python binary requirements of the package dependencies, installation requires the use of Anaconda Python or a fully free-to-use equivalent, such as Miniforge.


From a conda prompt create a named environment in which to install the snl-delft3d-cec-verify conda package and then set up the channels required for future updates:

(base) > conda create -y -n snld3d --override-channels -c conda-forge -c dataonlygreater snl-delft3d-cec-verify=0.8.2
(base) > conda activate snld3d
(snld3d) > conda config --env --add channels conda-forge --add channels dataonlygreater
(snld3d) > conda config --env --set channel_priority strict

After this, working with SNL-Delft3D-CEC-Verify requires that the snld3d environment be activated:

(base) > conda activate snld3d
(snld3d) >


To update to the latest version of the conda package, using the snld3d environment, type:

(snld3d) > conda update -y snl-delft3d-cec-verify

Minimal Working Example

The following presents an example of running a case study using a flexible mesh ("fm") model, based on the Mycek experiment, and collecting results at the turbine centre. Note that the token <D3D_BIN>, should be replaced with the path to the bin directory of the compiled Delft3D source code.

>>> import tempfile
>>> from snl_d3d_cec_verify import MycekStudy, Result, Runner, Template
>>> template = Template()
>>> runner = Runner(<D3D_BIN>)
>>> case = MycekStudy()
>>> with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname:
...     template(case, tmpdirname)
...     runner(tmpdirname)
...     result = Result(tmpdirname)
...     print(result.faces.extract_turbine_centre(-1, case))
Dimensions:  (dim_0: 1)
    $z$      int32 -1
    time     datetime64[ns] 2001-01-01T01:00:00
    $x$      (dim_0) int32 6
    $y$      (dim_0) int32 3
Dimensions without coordinates: dim_0
Data variables:
    $\sigma$  (dim_0) float64 -0.5002
    $u$       (dim_0) float64 0.7147
    $v$       (dim_0) float64 4.472e-17
    $w$       (dim_0) float64 -0.002604
    $k$       (dim_0) float64 0.005182

To use a structured model in the above example, change line 3 to:

>>> template = Template("structured")

More detailed examples are provided in the section below.



Examples are provided in the asset of the latest release. Alternatively, they can be found in the examples folder of the source code. Each example can be run using either the flexible mesh or structured grid models.

As plots are generated in the examples, the matplotlib library is also required. To install it, type:

(snld3d) > conda install -y matplotlib

The examples generate reports in Pandoc markdown format. These reports can be optionally converted to Word format if the pypandoc package is installed. To install it, type:

(snld3d) > conda install -y pypandoc pandoc

Currently, a compiled copy of SNL-Delft3D-CEC or SNL-Delft3D-FM-CEC must be available for the examples to run. If the binaries are installed in the standard location in the Delft3D source code (i.e. in the src/bin folder), simply copy the required files for each example to the source code's examples directory. A list of files required to run each example is provided at the top of the subsections below.

Alternatively, the location of Delft3D binaries can specified by setting the D3D_BIN environment variable, instead of copying the example files. To set D3D_BIN, for example, using PowerShell:

(snld3d) > $env:D3D_BIN = "\path\to\SNL-Delft3D-FM-CEC\src\bin"

Basic Example

Required files:

  • reference.docx (for conversion to Word format)

The basic example shows how to define a flexible mesh or structured model with varying parameters, run the model and then analyse the results.

To run the example, move to the directory containing and then call the script using Python with the model type (either fm or structured) as the second argument. For instance, for the flexible mesh model call:

(snld3d) > python fm

If successful, the report files (and images) will be placed into a sub-directory based on the model type. For the flexible mesh model, this is fm/basic_report.

By default, the temporary directories in which the models are run are deleted upon completion. To keep these directories, use the --persistent flag. For example:

(snld3d) > python structured --persistent

Validation Example

Required files:

  • examples.bib (for conversion to Word format)
  • reference.docx (for conversion to Word format)

The validation example demonstrates comparison of a flexible mesh or structured model with the experimental results of Mycek et al.[1]

To run the example, move to the directory containing and then call the script using Python with the model type (either fm or structured) as the second argument. For instance, for the structured grid model call:

(snld3d) > python structured

If successful, the report files (and images) will be placed into a sub-directory based on the model type. For the structured grid model, this is structured/validation_report.

Grid Convergence Study

Required files:

  • examples.bib (for conversion to Word format)
  • reference.docx (for conversion to Word format)

This is the first "production" example, designed to generate meaningful results. A grid convergence study (see e.g. [2]) is conducted to determine the free stream and turbine wake velocities and turbulence intensities at infinite grid resolution. The results are then compared to the results of Mycek et al.[1].

This example requires the convergence package to be installed. Issue the following command in the conda environment:

(snld3d) > pip install convergence

To run the example, move to the directory containing and then call the script using Python with the model type (either fm or structured) as the second argument. For instance, for the flexible mesh model call:

(snld3d) > python fm

If successful, the report files (and images) will be placed into a sub-directory based on the model type. For the flexible mesh model, this is structured/grid_convergence_report. To avoid repeating simulations in the event of an unexpected failure or change to the file, the Delft3D simulations, and a copy of their case study parameters, are stored in a sub-directory based on the model type. For the structured grid model, for example, this is structured/runs. If the Delft3D solver is updated, ensure to delete or move this folder, so that new simulations are conducted.

By default, the study is conducted using just one CPU thread. To reduce simulation time of the fm model, assuming additional capacity is available, increase the number of utilised threads using the --threads optional argument:

(snld3d) > python fm --threads 8

Note that this study takes a considerable amount of wall-clock time to complete. On an Intel i7-4790, the full study required 78 hours. To run an incomplete study, with a more tractable time scale, use the --experiments optional argument to reduce the number of experiments. For example:

(snld3d) > python fm --threads 8 --experiments 3

Pre-calculated results of the full study are available in the online documentation.

Model Comparison Study

Required files:

  • examples.bib (for conversion to Word format)
  • reference.docx (for conversion to Word format)

The second production example is a comparison of the flexible mesh and structured grid solvers for a turbine simulation using identical settings.

This example uses the pandoc-crossref package to reference sections and figures within the generated report. To install the package (for converting to Word format with pypandoc) issue the following command:

(snld3d) > conda install pandoc-crossref

For the example to run, two environment variable must be set. For path to the flexible mesh solver, set the D3D_FM_BIN variable. In PowerShell, for example:

(snld3d) > $env:D3D_FM_BIN = "\path\to\SNL-Delft3D-FM-CEC\src\bin"

For the path to the structured grid solver, set the D3D_4_BIN environment variable. In PowerShell again:

(snld3d) > $env:D3D_4_BIN = "\path\to\SNL-Delft3D-CEC\src\bin"

Then move to the directory containing and call the script using Python:

(snld3d) > python

If successful, the report files (and images) will be placed into a sub-directory called comparison_report. To avoid repeating simulations, the Delft3D simulations, and a copy of their case study parameters, are stored in a sub-directory based on the model type. For the flexible mesh model this is fm/runs and for the structured grid model it's structured/runs. If either Delft3D solver is updated, ensure to delete or move these folders, so that new simulations are conducted.

By default, the study is conducted using just one CPU thread. To reduce simulation time of the fm model, assuming additional capacity is available, increase the number of utilised threads using the --threads optional argument:

(snld3d) > python --threads 8

Note that this study takes a considerable amount of wall-clock time to complete. To run the simulations at lower resolution (and, therefore, more rapidly), use the --grid-resolution optional argument. For example:

(snld3d) > python --threads 8 --grid-resolution 0.25

Pre-calculated results of the study at the default resolution of 0.0625m is available in the online documentation.


API documentation, which describes the classes and functions used in the examples, can be found here. Documentation updates are ongoing.



⚠️ This repository uses Git LFS to store large files, so make sure to use git lfs clone when cloning the repository to download all of the files and set up LFS. For example:

> git lfs clone

Due to the many non-Python binary requirements of the package dependencies, installation requires the use of Anaconda Python or a fully free-to-use equivalent, such as Miniforge. Open a conda prompt and then change directory into the package root. Use the following commands to install the package, testing and documentation dependencies into the _snld3d environment.

(base) > conda env create --file .conda/environment.yml

Activate the _snld3d environment, setup the channels, and then install the SNL-Delft3D-CEC-Verify package in development mode:

(base) > conda activate _snld3d
(_snld3d) > conda config --env --add channels conda-forge
(_snld3d) > conda config --env --set channel_priority strict
(_snld3d) > pip install --no-deps -e .


To run the unit tests and get a coverage report, type the following from the root directory:

(_snld3d) > pytest --cov-report term-missing --cov="./src/snl_d3d_cec_verify/"

To run the type tests, type the following from the root directory:

(_snld3d) > mypy --install-types --non-interactive src

To run doctests, type the following from the root directory:

(_snld3d) > pytest --doctest-modules src

To run all three test suites simultaneously, invoke tox from the root directory:

(_snld3d) > tox

Note that tox creates a dedicated environment for the tests, which can be time consuming on first run (or if there are any dependency changes).


HTML documentation is built using the Sphinx documentation system, with the sphinx-autodoc-typehints plugin and the insipid theme.

To build the documentation locally, activate the conda environment and move to the docs directory:

(base) > conda activate _snld3d
(_snld3d) > cd docs

Then to build, for Windows:

(_snld3d) > .\make.bat html

Alternatively for Linux

(_snld3d) > make html

The documentation can then be opened at the path docs/_build/html/index.html.


Use python-semantic-release to update version numbers in the package. For instance, to add a commit that bumps the patch version, call:

(_snld3d) > semantic-release version --patch


To remove the conda environment containing SNL-Delft3D-CEC-Verify, open an Ananconda prompt and type:

(base) > conda remove --name _snld3d --all

You may need to deactivate the _snld3d environment first, if it is still open, by typing:

(_snld3d) > conda deactivate
(base) > conda remove --name _snld3d --all


⚠️ Data reversed engineered from Mycek et al.[1] is stored within this package. If you intend to publish results using this data, make sure to acknowledge its source at the point of use, e.g. "Experimental data reverse engineered from Mycek et al.[1], fig. 11a.".

Some of the code in this package is derived from the delft3dfmpy project.


[1] Mycek, P., Gaurier, B., Germain, G., Pinon, G., & Rivoalen, E. (2014). Experimental study of the turbulence intensity effects on marine current turbines behaviour. Part I: One single turbine. Renewable Energy, 66, 729–746.

[2] Examining Spatial (Grid) Convergence. (2002). Retrieved 24 January 2022, from