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How to run the site locally


  1. Install Ruby (recommended version 3.1.x)

    • On macOS with rbenv: rbenv install 3.1.4
    • Set it as your local version: rbenv local 3.1.4
  2. Install Jekyll and Bundler

    gem install jekyll bundler
  3. Install Node.js and yarn

    npm install --global yarn


  1. Install project dependencies:
    bundle add webrick     # Add webrick dependency (required for Ruby 3.x)
    bundle install        # Install Ruby dependencies
    yarn install         # Install Node.js dependencies

Run the site

  1. yarn start
  2. Open the site at http://localhost:4000


The above command runs everything, but if you need to run things separately:

  1. bundle exec jekyll serve --livereload

    Optionally add the --verbose flag to see more information.

  2. yarn run watch:css (only needed if modifying CSS)

Build the site

  1. bundle exec jekyll clean
  2. bundle exec jekyll build JEKYLL_ENV=production

You can serve the build site locally with ruby -run -e httpd docs -p 4000


If you see "jekyll: command not found", make sure you:

  1. Have Ruby installed and selected the correct version with rbenv
  2. Have run gem install jekyll bundler
  3. Have run bundle install

If you're having dependency issues, try these steps:

  1. Install Ruby 3.1.4: rbenv install 3.1.4
  2. Switch to Ruby 3.1.4: rbenv local 3.1.4
  3. Install latest compatible bundler: gem install bundler
  4. Reinstall dependencies: bundle install

If you see an error about "cannot load such file -- webrick", run:

bundle add webrick
bundle install