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Knock bulk user adder/remover


Made for DSGT by John Ramberger

How to use

This program is built using NodeJS in JavaScript

In order to run the app, you must have NodeJS and NPM setup on your machine. To test this, enter npm --v into a console (CMD, PowerShell, VSCode Terminal, etc.). If you get a version back such as 8.9.0 then you should be good.

If you don't have NPM installed, I would just google how to install it.

So how do I run it?

Just follow the steps below:

  1. Download this repository to your local machine (either download the zip or clone the repository).
  2. Open the root folder with all of the files (you should see a file named bulkemail.js)
  3. Create a file called .env and enter your PRIVATE api key from Knock as KNOCK_API_KEY. Your file should look like this (replace example_api_key with your key):
  1. Place your .CSV file into this folder. The name of the file does NOT matter, just make sure the CSV has a row at the top with the column labels and there exists at least a email and fullname column. Yes, the file must be in CSV format and yes, it can have more than those 2 columns.
  2. Open a console (same way as before) in the folder. You'll know if it worked if it has the path to the repository in the starting line. Ex: C:\Users\USER\Documents\GitHub\DSGT-Mailing-List-Knock>. If you don't know how to do this, check this link out.
  3. Run the command npm install. This will install all the dependencies that the script needs to run.

Adding users

Your CSV file must have a fullname and email column

  1. Run the command npm run start. This will start the program :D.
  2. Just follow the prompts and answer according to the question. If it asks Would you like to add or remove users? (add, remove) respond with either add or remove and nothing else.
  3. Once you see DONE!, the program is over and all of the users have been added/removed to Knock.

Triggering Workflows

Your CSV file must have an email column

  1. Run the command npm run trigger. This will start the program :D.
  2. Just follow the prompts and answer according to the question. If it asks What Knock workflow would you like to trigger? (enter the key to the workflow) respond with the workflow key such as test-workflow and nothing else.
  3. Once you see DONE!, the program is over and the workflow has been triggered. Check through knock to see its status.

From here, you're done, but if you have another file or changed your mind and want to remove the users, simply start from step 7 and start the app again.

If you closed the console, follow steps 2 and 5, but you shouldn't need to install again.


bulk adds users to Amazon SES workflow through knock



