Vagrant is a tool that uses Oracle's VirtualBox to dynamically build configurable virtual machines. More information is available on the Vagrant web site.
You should also find the step to install Vagrant for your operating system ont their website.
A Jisc-funded project to create an archive management service for Research Data.
Funded under the 'Research at Risk' Data Spring programme between March 2015 and August 2016.
To run this vagrant you need to get the DataVault repository first:
git clone [email protected]:DataVault/datavault.git
First clone this repository:
git clone [email protected]:DataVault/datavault-vagrant-ubuntu.git
cd datavault-vagrant-ubuntu
You'll have to update the Vagrantfile to point at your datavault project directory.
Change this line in the Vagrantfile
config.vm.synced_folder "/path/to/datavault/datavault-assembly/target/datavault-assembly-1.0-SNAPSHOT-assembly/datavault-home", "/vagrant_datavault-home"
From the project directory, type the following commands...
vagrant up
This will build the VirtualBox and set it up with the DataVault webapp, the API documentation and a few workers running in the background.
You should be able to access the web app from the host at: http://localhost:4567/datavault-webapp The API doc at: http://localhost:4567/datavault-broker
You can now ssh into the VM with the following command:
vagrant ssh
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