As every video game, the main goal is the players entertainment. In our game, the player have to scape from procedurally generated mazes with enemies. The player can shoot and use consumables to ease the fights and complete the mazes. Besides, we have included a day night cycle to difficult the players objective.
The game is conformed by two scenes:
- Main menu scene: The player can start a new game (sucession of mazes), talk with a chatbot to resolve doubts and see the stats.
When the player solves a maze the main menu changes its appearance to note the player the possibility of continue the game and its stats are updated:
Virtual reality recommendations that we have followed are:
- The user has total control of the player movement inside the game
- Use of a reticle as a visual aid
- Constant velocity of the player movements
- Included visual effects and sounds
- The distance between the player and the user interfaces is optimal (3m)
To be able to play you will need a PlayStation 4 controller or change the required buttons on unity.
Botón | PC | Mobile |
square | joystick button 0 | joystick button 0 |
x | joystick button 1 | joystick button 1 |
circle | joystick button 2 | joystick button 13 |
triangle | joystick button 3 | joystick button 2 |
L1 | joystick button 4 | joystick button 3 |
R1 | joystick button 5 | joystick button 14 |
L2 | joystick button 6 | joystick button 4 |
R2 | joystick button 7 | joystick button 5 |
share | joystick button 8 | joystick button 6 |
options | joystick button 9 | joystick button 7 |
L3 | joystick button 10 | joystick button 11 |
R3 | joystick button 11 | joystick button 10 |
PS | joystick button 12 | joystick button 12 |
PAD | joystick button 13 | joystick button 8 |
- Health (100 units on start)
- Nivel de escudo (0 units on start)
- Weapon (shots that inflict 20 units of damage to enemies)
- Lantern (20 second of battery on start)
When the player dies (health reaches 0), the main menu returns to its initial layout, if the player starts a new game the stats are resetted.
During the last seconds of lantern battery, the light will flash on an intermittent way
Action | Buttons | Gif |
Movement | Left joystick | |
Rotation | L2, R2 | |
UI elements interactions | x | |
Game elements interactions | square | |
Exit maze | PS | |
Shoot | R1 | |
Lantern | L3 |
There are three types of enemies:
Type | Damage | Health | Speed | Abilities |
Mouse | 15 | 80 | 2.2 | Hearing System (7m) |
Skeleton | 20 | 100 | 1.7 | Vision System (7m, 140°) |
Knight | 30 | 150 | 1.3 | Hearing System (5m) and Vision System (5m, 110°) |
The enemies appears at specific positions (enemy respawns) after 5 to 15 seconds.
These positions can been deactivated by the player with the square button, when they are deactivated the enemies can't respawn. The respawns remain deactivated between 10 and 30 seconds.
State | Gif |
Idle | |
Walking | |
Attacking | |
Dead |
The enemies are able to see within a certain angle and a maximum distance. To achieve that we used physics raycasting to determine if the player is in the field of view of the enemy without obstacles between them.
When the player makes a noise, a sphere collider increases its radius representing the distance that the noise travels. The enemies has also a sphere collider that represents its hearing capacity. When these two colliders collides, the enemy detects the player.
- Walking
- Shooting
- Turning on/off the lantern
Consumables are pickable objects that aid the player, you can find them at some specific points of the generated mazes (consumable locations), they respawn every 20 to 60 seconds.
Game object | Collider type |
Maze | Static collider |
Player body | Kinematic Rigidbody Trigger Collider |
Player noise sphere | Kinematic Rigidbody Trigger Collider |
Shots | Rigidbody Trigger Collider |
Enemy body | Kinematic Rigidbody Collider |
Enemy weapon | Kinematic Rigidbody Trigger Collider |
Enemy hearing sphere | Kinematic Rigidbody Trigger Collider |
- Colaboratory work with unity
- Lack of free assets
- Complexity of unity
- Lack of time
- Lack of hardware (cardboard and ps4 controller)
- Using the scripting documentation
- Using tutorials
- Reading posts of people with similar problems
- Creating our own consumables models, particle systems, materials ...
- Maze generation: Daute
- Consumables: Carlos y Daute
- Scripting: Carlos
- Modeling: Daute
- Day night cycle: Carlos
- Damage detection: Daute
- Assets search: Carlos
- Player controller development: Daute
- Spawn system: Carlos y Daute
- Spawn system development: Carlos
- Enemy respawn and consumable location development: Daute
- Enemies hearing system and vision system development: Carlos
- Enemy controller development: Daute
- Chatbot creation: Carlos
- User interfaces creation: Carlos
- GoogleVR: needed for VR compatibility
- ApiAiSDK: needed for the chatbot creatiom
- NavMeshComponents: needed for enemies movements
- DayNightCycle
- Skeleton enemy
- Knight enemy
- Mouse enemy
- Robot model
- Shield consumable model
- Shots materials
- Player weapon model