Wizard Pager is an extendable library that provides a Wizard UI on Android. It's based on the idea of Roman Nurik (https://github.com/romannurik/android-wizardpager)
It is backwards compatible with Android 4.1 (as of 1. September 2016, 96,6 % of Android Devices use Android 4.1 or above)
WizardPager is ready to be used via jcenter Simply add jcenter to your repositories by adding the following code to your root 'build.gradle':
allprojects {
repositories {
Now add the gradle dependency in your application's 'build.gradle':
dependencies {
compile 'com.hammwerk:wizardpager:1.3.0'
There is a sample implementation, so you can see how to add this library to your project. The example uses AppCompat.