- Ubuntu 16.04 (Tested on)
- Python 3.5.2
- PyQt5
- wmctrl (Needed for seeing what windows are open on the linux window manager)
Clone or download the repository. Rename and move the repository folder as however you like.
Go into the main directory of the repository, type into terminal: python3 overseer.py
It should create a bash script as ~/openOverseer.sh, and you should get your logout shortcut disabled while 2 shortcuts are made in Ubuntu.
If you want to move the repository folder, just delete ~/openOverseer and the Overseer shortcuts and rerun overseer.py.
Note: Ctrl+Shift+Escape doesn't seem to work because shortcuts in Ubuntu with Escape just don't work.
- Go through all the code and fix the FIXME comments
- Add total CPU and RAM usage at the bottom of the window
- Give the program an icon
- Have the sort work properly
- Fix process time collection to /proc// files where the user has no access to read
- Fix segmentation fault that happens randomly when the program is closed (possibly to do with how Qt is setup and configured)
- Add exception handling to the startup file creation/writing
- Add apt-get package names for requirements
- Make the program close upon ctrl+c or ctrl+d when ran from terminal
- Add something to the description column in the process list
- Fix the CPU usage showing 0 sometimes
Read about RAM on Linux http://www.linuxatemyram.com/
CPU usage https://github.com/Leo-G/DevopsWiki/wiki/How-Linux-CPU-Usage-Time-and-Percentage-is-calculated
CPU usage and RAM usage calculations are based off htop's source code.